The era of attosecond physics requires complex EUV and soft X-ray optical components with challenging specifications. Interference coatings with high efficiency, good stability, enhanced selectivity and/or broad bandwidth and phase control are key components to manipulate the ultra-short pulses generated by coherent sources like High Harmonic Generation or X-ray Free Electron Lasers. In this talk, we will discuss details of novel, tailored multilayer optics that we have been developing for the last 20 years for ultrafast sources. We will show that phase-controlled interference coatings provide a powerful tool towards transporting or even compressing attosecond pulses. Measuring the spectral phase of such mirrors requires specific methods that have been developed for the EUV range and extended up to the soft X-ray domain. Finally, we will present the recent development of a delay line with advanced multilayer optics for the femto/attosecond beamlines in Paris-Saclay (ATTOLAB).