Phosphorene, an elemental 2D material, which is the monolayer of black phosphorus, has been mechanically exfoliated recently. In its bulk form, black phosphorus shows high carrier mobility (~10000 cm2/Vs) and a ~0.3 eV direct bandgap. Well-behaved p-type field-effect transistors with mobilities of up to 1000 cm2/Vs, as well as phototransistors, have been demonstrated on few-layer black phosphorus, showing its promise for electronics and optoelectronics applications due to its high hole mobility and thickness-dependence direct bandgap. However, p-n junctions, the basic building blocks of modern electronic and optoelectronic devices, have not yet been realized based on black phosphorus. In this paper, we demonstrate a gate tunable p-n diode based on a p-type black phosphorus/n-type monolayer MoS2 van der Waals p-n heterojunction. Upon illumination, these ultra-thin p-n diodes show a maximum photodetection responsivity of 418 mA/W at the wavelength of 633 nm, and photovoltaic energy conversion with an external quantum efficiency of 0.3%. These p-n diodes show promise for broadband photodetection and solar energy harvesting.