We analyze an effect of the coherent $\Theta^+\Lambda(1520)$ photoproductionin $\gamma D$ interaction near the threshold. We demonstrate that the coherenceeffect becomes manifest in a comparison of the $nK^+$ invariant massdistribution when the $pK^-$ invariant equals the $\Lambda(1520)$ mass. Ourmodel calculations indicate a sizeable contribution of resonant andnon-resonant background processes in the $\gamma D\to np K^+K^-$ reaction whichgenerally exceed the contribution of the coherent resonant channel. However, wefind that the coherent $\Theta^+\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction is enhancedrelative to the background processes in the forward hemisphere of the $pK^-$pair photoproduction. Moreover, the coherence effect does not depend on the$\Theta^+$ photoproduction amplitude and is defined by the probabilities of the$\Lambda(1520)$ photoproduction and the $\Theta^+\to NK$ transition. Therefore,this coherence effect may be used as an independent method for studying themechanism of $\Theta^+$ production and $\Theta^+$ properties.