atic duct and diffuse enlargement of the entire pancreas due to lymphocyte infiltration.In 1995, Japanese investigators 3 firstly proposed a concept of "autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP)", in which the patients showed diffusely enlarged pancreas, narrowing pancreatogram, increased serum IgG, presence of autoantibodies, fibrotic changes with lymphocytic infiltration and steroidal efficacy.Thereafter, many AIP cases have been reported from Japan, and AIP has been accepted as a new clinical entity. 4,5The histopathological findings of AIP show massive infiltration of lymphoplasmacytes with fibrosis, which is consistent with lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis (LPSP). 6Many Japanese investigators have paid great attention to AIP, especially with regard to its unique pancreatic images, 2 IgG4, 7 diseaseassociated autoantibodies, 8 extrapancreatic lesions, 6,9-14 and steroidal efficacy. 14,15urrently in Japan, diagnosis of AIP is based on the "diagnostic criteria 2002 of autoimmune pancreatitis" 16 proposed by the Japan Pancreas Society.However, the accumulation of many AIP cases shows that the