Facilitating a smoother transition for adolescents with chronic health conditions from the child to the adult health care system has been a topic of numerous expert panels, conferences, and policy statements [ 1 McGrab P. Millar H. Surgeon General's Conference. Growing Up and Getting Medical Care Youth with Special Health Care Needs. National Center for Networking Community-Based Services, Georgetown University Child Development Center, Washington, DC1989 Google Scholar , 2 Schidlow D.V. Fiel S.B. Life beyond pediatrics. Transition of chronically ill adolescents from pediatric to adult health care systems. Med Clin North Am. 1990; 74: 1113-1120 Crossref PubMed Scopus (151) Google Scholar , 3 Maternal and Child Health BureauMoving On. Transition from Child-Centered to Adult Health Care for Youth with Disabilities. US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Washington, DC1992 Google Scholar , 4 Society for Adolescent Medicine. Transition from child-centered to adult health care systems for adolescents with chronic conditions. A position paper. J Adolesc Health 1993;14:570–6 Google Scholar , 5 Rosen D.S. Transition from pediatric to adult-oriented health care for the adolescent with chronic illness or disability. Adolesc Med. 1994; 5: 241-248 PubMed Google Scholar , 6 Rosen D.S. Between two worlds Bridging the cultures of child health and adult medicine. J Adolesc Health. 1995; 17: 10-16 Abstract Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (143) Google Scholar , 7 American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children with Disabilities and Committee on Adolescence. Transition of care provider for adolescents with special health care needs. Pediatrics 1996;98:1203–6 Google Scholar ]. As stated in the original 1993 Society for Adolescent Medicine’s (SAM’s) position paper, “systemic inertia, fueled by insufficient information about transition options and outcomes, helps maintain an outdated status quo” [ 4 Society for Adolescent Medicine. Transition from child-centered to adult health care systems for adolescents with chronic conditions. A position paper. J Adolesc Health 1993;14:570–6 Google Scholar ].