Laser powder bed fusion of high-strength aluminium alloys remains challenging due to the formation of hot cracks during the printing process. Hot cracking is a complex phenomenon involving a complex thermo-mechanical and metallurgical interplay. Such relationship needs to be fully understood to reap the benefits of advanced laser modulation (temporal and spatial) capabilities, now becoming available in PBF-LB. To this end, we explore the formation of hot cracks in single tracks produced using a simple spatial–temporal laser modulation characterised by laser pulses of various distance. The formation of cracks is then rationalised by physical and numerical modelling using multi-physics CFD simulation. We demonstrate that the area of the mushy zone at the back of the moving melt pool, dynamically contracts and expands according to the laser temporal regimes and find maxima in correspondence to the largest laser pulse distance and the time steps between exposures. By then analysing in detail in the crack observed in the printed parts fabricated with the same laser modulation, it is possible to conclude that the mechanisms leading to hot cracks in these specimens is analogous. In turn, the insights on single tracks can be extended, for the most part, to the case of bulk specimens. Nevertheless, printed specimens appear to be more sensitive to the erratic movement of the melt pool, due to the presence of a larger number of highly energetical grain boundaries and unintended microstructural defects (voids and inclusions), from which cracks can nucleate.