Abstract Let G be a finite group and p a prime dividing its order | G |, with p -part $$|G|_p$$ | G | p , and let $$G_p$$ G p denote the set of all p -elements in G . A well known theorem of Frobenius tells us that $$f_p(G)=|G_p|/|G|_p$$ f p ( G ) = | G p | / | G | p is an integer. As $$G_p$$ G p is the union of the Sylow p -subgroups of G , this Frobenius ratio $$f_p(G)$$ f p ( G ) evidently depends on the number $$s_p(G)=|\textrm{Syl}_p(G)|$$ s p ( G ) = | Syl p ( G ) | of Sylow p -subgroups of G and on Sylow intersections . One knows that $$s_p(G)=1+kp$$ s p ( G ) = 1 + k p and $$f_p(G)=1+\ell (p-1)$$ f p ( G ) = 1 + ℓ ( p - 1 ) for nonnegative integers $$k, \ell $$ k , ℓ , and that $$f_p(G)<s_p(G)$$ f p ( G ) < s p ( G ) unless G has a normal Sylow p -subgroup. In order to get lower bounds for $$f_p(G)$$ f p ( G ) we, study the permutation character $${\pi }={\pi }_p(G)$$ π = π p ( G ) of G in its transitive action on $$\textrm{Syl}_p(G)$$ Syl p ( G ) via conjugation (Sylow character). We will get, in particular, that $$f_p(G)\ge s_p(G)/r_p(G)$$ f p ( G ) ≥ s p ( G ) / r p ( G ) where $$r_p(G)$$ r p ( G ) denotes the number of P -orbits on $$\textrm{Syl}_p(G)$$ Syl p ( G ) for any fixed $$P\in \textrm{Syl}_p(G)$$ P ∈ Syl p ( G ) . One can have $$\ell \ge k\ge 1$$ ℓ ≥ k ≥ 1 only when P is irredundant for $$G_p$$ G p , that is, when P is not contained in the union of the $$Q\ne P$$ Q ≠ P in $$\textrm{Syl}_p(G)$$ Syl p ( G ) and so $$\widehat{P}=\bigcup _{Q\ne P}(P\cap Q)$$ P ^ = ⋃ Q ≠ P ( P ∩ Q ) a proper subset of P . We prove that $$\ell \ge k$$ ℓ ≥ k when $$|\widehat{P}|\le |P|/p$$ | P ^ | ≤ | P | / p .