New processing developments in the Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS)-based solar cell technology have enabled best cell efficiencies to exceed 21%. The key innovation involves the alkali post-deposition treatment (PDT) of the CIGS film. Furthermore, the range of optimal CIGS growth parameters and the minimal thickness of the CdS buffer layer is affected by the process modifications. In 2013, we reported a 20.8% record device with PDT. Later optimizations, e.g., in the composition profile and CdS buffer layer thickness as discussed in this study, enabled us to increase the photocurrent density with only a slight loss in open-circuit voltage and unchanged fill factor, resulting in the current world record of 21.7% efficiency. Furthermore, a record efficiency of 21.0% could be achieved with a Cd-free Zn(O,S) buffer layer. This contribution presents measurements, simulations, and a discussion of the photocurrent increase.