We present a detailed description of N=2 stationary BPS multicenter blackhole solutions for quadratic prepotentials with an arbitrary number of centersand scalar fields making a systematic use of the algebraic properties of thematrix of second derivatives of the prepotential, $\mathcal{S}$, which in thiscase is a scalar-independent matrix. In particular we obtain bounds on thephysical parameter of the multicenter solution such as horizon areas and ADMmass. We discuss the possibility and convenience of setting up a basis of thesymplectic vector space built from charge eigenvectors of the $\ssigma$, theset of vectors $(\Ppm q_a)$ with $\Ppm$ $\ssigma$-eigenspace proyectors. The anti-involution matrix $\mathcal{S}$ can be understood as a Freudenthalduality $\tilde{x}=\ssigma x$. We show that this duality can be generalized to"Freudenthal transformations" under which the horizon area, ADM mass and intercenter distancesscale up leaving constant the fix point scalars. In the special case$\lambda=1$, "$\ssigma$-rotations", the transformations leave invariant thesolution. The standard Freudental duality can be written as $\tilde x= \exp(\pi/2 \ssigma) x .$ We argue that these generalizedtransformations leave also invariant the general stringy extremal quartic form$\Delta_4$, $\Delta_4(x)= \Delta_4(\cos\theta x+\sin\theta\tilde{x})$.