Part 1 Body composition methodology: body composition basics skinfold method - assumptions and principles of skinfold method, skinfold prediction models, skinfold technique biolelectrical impedance model - assumptions and principles of BIA method, BIA prediction models, BIA technique near-infrared interactance model - assumptions and principles of NIR method, NIR prediction model, NIR technique anthropometric methods - assumptions and principles of the anthropometric method, anthropometric prediction models, sources of measurement error, anthopometric techniques, anthropometric indexes of body fat distribution, additional applications of anthropometry. Part 2 Body composition methods and equation for specific groups: body composition and children - skinfold equations for children, biolelectrical impedance equations for children, near-infrared interactance equations for children anthropometric equations for children body composition and the elderly - skinfold equations for elderly, bioelectrical impedance equations for elderly, near-infrared equations for elderly, anthropometric equations for elderly body composition and ethnicity - body composition and health risks of American Indians, body composition and health risks of blacks, body composition and health risks of hispanics, body composition and health risks of Asians, body composition and health risk of whites body composition and levels of body fatness body composition and athletes - fat-free body composition of athletes, skinfold equations for athletes, bioelectrical impedance equations for athletes, near-infrared equations for athletes, anthropometric equations for athletes assessing body composition changes.