Introduction: With advancement in medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered as an alternative source of biomarkers. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of kidney shape factors measured by MRI as biomarkers for DKD progression as early DKD tends to have larger kidney volume due to hypertrophy and hyper-filtration. Methods: Total 134 participants with type 2 diabetes and eGFR>30 ml/min/1.73 m2 from iBEAt study were examined. This EU-funded, multi-centre renal imaging study seeks to identify novel biomarkers for DKD. All MRI data was acquired on 3T Siemens scanners. Each kidney was segmented using in-house software. Significant threshold was set at p<0.01. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) among 15 shape parameters was conducted by centroid clustering method (SPSS V29.0). Results: The mean (SD) age of study participants was 70(8) years, eGFR 76.7(13.6) ml/min/1.73 m2, UACR 4.3(14.4) mg/mmol and 35.8% women. Several shape factors (mean (SD)) such as bounding box volume (495(126) ml), convex hull volume (212(48) ml), short (5.3(0.6) cm) and long axis length (12(1.2) cm) and surface area (227(36) cm2) correlated strongly with kidney volume (KV) (Range r = -0.54 to 0.99). Two distinct clusters were identified in HCA; cluster 1 include compactness and extent which were 3D shape features with low correlation to KV (r = 0.03 and -0.03 respectively, p<0.01). Conversely, cluster 2 parameters mainly consisted of shape measures which were more closely correlated to KV. Conclusion: Compactness and extent were statistically independent of KV.Extent is the ratio of KV to its bounding box volume; compactness is the surface area-to-volume ratio relative to that of an equivalent sphere, which has 100% compactness. Reduction in compactness indicates an irregular kidney shape secondary to ageing, cortical thinning and compression by surrounding structures. These measures may serve as independent prognostic markers that predict increased risk of future renal decline. Disclosure K. Soe: None. K. Sharma: Employee; Antaros Medical. J. Periquito: None. A. Shore: None. K.M. Gooding: None. D. Selvarajah: Research Support; Abbott. Speaker's Bureau; Grunenthal. Research Support; Impeto medical. Funding The Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (115974)