Introduction Germany is reforming its legal approach to cannabis, allowing the possession and cultivation of cannabis for recreational purposes. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the policy reform on (1) The prevalence of cannabis use in the general population and (2) Driving under the influence of cannabis (DUIC) among regular users. Methods and analysis A quasi-experimental research design will be employed, with repeated cross-sectional surveys on self-reported DUIC and cannabis use conducted at three measurement points in Germany (intervention group) and Austria (control group) over a 2-year observation period (2023–2025). Data will be collected from approximately 50 000 individuals aged between 18 years and 64 years. To minimise reporting biases in the measurement of DUIC, we will use direct and indirect assessments via crosswise model and motor vehicle accident data from official statistics. In a difference-in-difference framework, regression analyses and interrupted time series analysis will be carried out for hypothesis testing. Ethics and dissemination Participants will be informed about voluntary participation, data protection laws and the option to delete data on request. Ethical approval was obtained from the Local Psychological Ethics Committee of the Centre for Psychosocial Medicine in Hamburg, Germany (reference number: 0686). Findings will be disseminated through scientific networks and will be key for a comprehensive evaluation of the cannabis law reform. The findings will facilitate the design and implementation of road safety measures.