Here we propose a possible way to produce superconductors with high criticaltemperature Tc by confinement of a Fermi liquid in a superlattice of quantumstripes (wells, wires or dots). The enhancement of Tc is obtained by tuning thesize L of the stripes (wells, wires or dots), and the wavelength of electronsat the Fermi level {\lambda}F at the resonance condition L {\lambda}F. The 3Dsuperconducting phase is stabilized by the condition that the separation Wbetween the stripes (wells, wires or dots) should be of the order of thecoherence length {\xi}0. This quantum state is realized in Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu2O8+ysuperconductor with Tc= 84K, where the resonance condition kFy~2{\pi}/L for thecomponent of the Fermi wavevector normal to the stripe direction holds. Thiswork gives the parameters for the design of new superconducting materials withhigher Tc made of metal heterostructures approaching the atomic limit.