We report the elliptic flow of charged and identified particles atmid-rapidity in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}}=130$ GeV using the STARTPC at RHIC. The integrated elliptic flow signal, $v_2$, for charged particlesreaches values of about 0.06, indicating a higher degree of thermalization thanat lower energies. The differential elliptic flow signal, $v_2$($p_t$) up to1.5 GeV/$c$, shows a behavior expected from hydrodynamic model calculations.Above 1.5 GeV/$c$, the data deviate from the hydro predictions; however the$v_2$($p_t$) is still large, suggesting finite asymmetry for the products ofhard scattering. For the identified particles, elliptic flow as a function of$p_t$ and centrality differ significantly for particles of different masses.This dependence can be accounted for in hydrodynamic models, indicating thatthe system created shows a behavior consistent with collective hydrodynamicalflow.