We discuss the detection of large scale HI intensity fluctuations using a single dish approach with the ultimate objective of measuring the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and constraining the properties of dark energy. We present 3D power spectra, 2D angular power spectra for individual redshift slices, and also individual line-of-sight spectra, computed using the S^3 simulated HI catalogue which is based on the Millennium Simulation. We consider optimal instrument design and survey strategies for a single dish observation at low and high redshift for a fixed sensitivity. For a survey corresponding to an instrument with T_sys=50 K, 50 feed horns and 1 year of observations, we find that at low redshift (z \approx 0.3), a resolution of 40 arc min and a survey of 5000 deg^2 is close to optimal, whereas at higher redshift (z \approx 0.9) a resolution of 10 arcmin and 500 deg^2 would be necessary. Continuum foreground emission from the Galaxy and extragalactic radio sources are potentially a problem. We suggest that it could be that the dominant extragalactic foreground comes from the clustering of very weak sources. We assess its amplitude and discuss ways by which it might be mitigated. We then introduce our concept for a single dish telescope designed to detect BAO at low redshifts. It involves an under-illumintated static 40 m dish and a 60 element receiver array held 90 m above the under-illuminated dish. Correlation receivers will be used with each main science beam referenced against an antenna pointing at one of the Celestial Poles for stability and control of systematics. We make sensitivity estimates for our proposed system and projections for the uncertainties on the power spectrum after 1 year of observations. We find that it is possible to measure the acoustic scale at z\approx 0.3 with an accuracy 2.4% and that w can be measured to an accuracy of 16%.