We investigate tearing modes (TM) driven by current density gradient in collisionless tokamak plasmas by using the electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulation code ORB5. We elucidate the TM width by simulations for flat profiles, as the absence of background diamagnetic flows implies a small rotation speed, while finite gradients are included to investigate the TM rotation. For flat profiles, the initial saturation width of nonlinearly driven magnetic islands is related to the TM linear growth rate; however, large islands in the initial saturation phase are prone to current density redistribution that reduces the island width in the following evolution. Island-induced E×B and diamagnetic sheared flows develop at the separatrix, able to destabilize the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability (KHI). The KHI turbulence enhances a strong quadrupole vortex flow that reinforces the island decay, resulting in a strong reduction of the island width in an eventual steady state. This process is enhanced by trapped electrons. For finite gradients profile, the TM usually rotates in the electron diamagnetic direction but can change direction when the ion temperature gradient dominates the other gradients. The reduced growth of the TM by diamagnetic effects results in a moderate island size, which remains almost unchanged after the initial saturation. At steady state, strong zonal flows are nonlinearly excited and dominate the island rotation, as expected from previous theoretical and numerical studies. When β is increased, the TM mode is suppressed and a mode with the same helicity but with twisting parity, coupled with the neighboring poloidal harmonics, is destabilized, similar to the kinetic ballooning mode.