As a significant subset of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) possess the capability to autonomously execute tasks. Characterized by its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, extensive operational range, and robust environmental adaptability, AUV has emerged as the primary technological apparatus for deep-sea exploration and research. In this paper, we present the design of a 10,000 m class AUV equipped with capabilities such as fixed-depth navigation, regional autonomous cruising, full-depth video recording, and temperature and salinity profiling. Initially, we outline the comprehensive design of the AUV, detailing its structural configuration, system components, functional module arrangement, and operational principles. Subsequently, we compute the hydrodynamic parameters using a spatial kinematics model. Finally, the AUV designed in this paper is tested for its functions and performance, such as fixed-depth sailing, maximum speed, and maximum diving depth, and its reliability and practicability are verified.