The original topological Aharonov-Casher (AC) effect is due to theinteraction of the anomalous magnetic dipole moment (MDM) with certainconfigurations of electric field. Naively one would not expect an AC effect fora scalar particle for which no anomalous MDM can be defined in the usual sense.In this letter we study the AC effect in supersymmetric systems. In thisframework there is the possibility of deducing the AC effect of a scalarparticle from the corresponding effect for a spinor particle. In 3+1 dimensionssuch a connection is not possible because the anomalous MDM is zero ifsupersymmetry is an exact symmetry. However, in 2+1 dimensions it is possibleto have an anomalous MDM even with exact supersymmetry. Having demonstrated the relationship between the spinor and the scalar MDM,we proceed to show that the scalar AC effect is uniquely defined. We thencompute the anomalous MDM at the one loop level, showing how the scalar formarises in 2+1 dimensions from the coupling of the scalar to spinors. This modelshows how an AC effect for a scalar can be generated for non-supersymmetrictheories, and we construct such a model to illustrate the mechanism.