The form of electron correlations in a partially filled degenerate Landaulevel (LL) is related to the behavior of the anharmonic part of the interactionpseudopotential. Unlike in the lowest LL, the pseudopotential in the firstexcited LL is harmonic at short range. As a result, the incompressible statesin this LL have different correlations, occur at different filling factors nu,and cannot be described by a composite fermion model. The series ofLaughlin-correlated states of electron pairs is proposed at nu=2+2/(q_2+2) withinteger q_2. It includes Moore-Read nu=5/2 state and the nu=7/3 state. Despitecoincidence of the values of nu, the latter state has different correlationsthan Laughlin state of single electrons at nu=1/3 and, in finite systems,occurs at a different LL degeneracy (flux).