Medical profession is demanding and requires long working hours, lengthy procedures, and constant posturing. Musculoskeletal disorders are common among health care professionals (HCP). The commonest musculoskeletal disorders reported include pain in the neck, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, repetitive strain disorders, nerve injuries and chronic pain disorders. It can result in reduced performance, poor quality of life and significant disability. Ergonomics is the science of adapting the job, equipment, and the humans to each other for optimal safety and productivity. If workplace of a HCP is ergonomically inadequate it will lead to musculoskeletal disorders. The main ergonomic issues include sustained postures, repetitive tasks, forceful hand exertions, use of equipment and precision requirement. In order to prevent ergonomic related injuries, there is a need to increase awareness among HCPs regarding physical fitness, correct posturing, ergonomic adjustments in equipment and environment, and early recognition of problems specific to field.