Complex quantum trajectory approach, which arose from a modified deBroglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics, has attracted much attentionin recent years. The exact complex trajectories for the Eckart potentialbarrier and the soft potential step, plotted in a previous work, show that moretrajectories link the left and right regions of the barrier, when the energy isincreased. In this paper, we evaluate the reflection probability using a newansatz based on these observations, as the ratio between the totalprobabilities of reflected and incident trajectories. While doing this, we alsoput to test the complex-extended probability density previously postulated forthese quantum trajectories. The new ansatz is preferred since the evaluation issolely done with the help of the complex-extended probability density along theimaginary direction and the trajectory pattern itself. The calculations areperformed for a rectangular potential barrier, symmetric Eckart and Morsebarriers, and a soft potential step. The predictions are in perfect agreementwith the standard results for potentials such as the rectangular potentialbarrier. For the other potentials, there is very good agreement with standardresults, but it is exact only for low and high energies. For moderate energies,there are slight deviations. These deviations result from the periodicity ofthe trajectory pattern along the imaginary axis and have a maximum value onlyas much as $0.1 \%$ of the standard value. Measurement of such deviation shallprovide an opportunity to falsify the ansatz.