An old conjecture claims that commuting Hamiltonians of the double-ellipticintegrable system are constructed from the theta-functions associated withRiemann surfaces from the Seiberg-Witten family, with moduli treated asdynamical variables and the Seiberg-Witten differential providing thepre-symplectic structure. We describe a number of theta-constant equationsneeded to prove this conjecture for the $N$-particle system. These equationsprovide an alternative method to derive the Seiberg-Witten prepotential and weillustrate this by calculating the perturbative contribution. We provideevidence that the solutions to the commutativity equations are exhausted by thedouble-elliptic system and its degenerations (Calogero and Ruijsenaarssystems). Further, the theta-function identities that lie behind the Poissoncommutativity of the three-particle Hamiltonians are proven.