The role of the $\overline{\rm D3}$ brane in providing de Sitter vacua withspontaneously broken supersymmetry in the KKLT construction is clarified. Thefirst step in this direction was explained in arXiv:hep-th/0301240,arXiv:hep-th/0308055: it was shown there that in the GKP background the bosoniccontributions to the vacuum energy from the DBI and WZ term cancel for a D3brane, but double for a $\overline{\rm D3}$ brane, leading to de Sitter vacua.The next step was taken in arXiv:1411.1121 where the analogous mechanism of thedoubling (cancelation) of the $\overline{\rm D3}$ (D3) DBI and WZ terms wasdiscovered in the presence of Volkov-Akulov fermions living on the brane, in aflat supergravity background. Here we confirm this mechanism ofdoubling/cancelation for the $\overline{\rm D3}$/D3 brane in the GKPsupergravity background preserving $\mathcal{N}=1$, $d=4$ supersymmetry. Wefind that imaginary self-dual $G_{(3)}$ flux of type $(2,1)$ nicely removes the$SU(3)$ fermion triplet by giving it a large mass, while leaving theVolkov-Akulov goldstino, which is the $SU(3)$ singlet, massless. This makes thede Sitter landscape in D-brane physics clearly related to de Sitter vacua ineffective $d=4$ supergravity with a nilpotent multiplet and spontaneouslybroken supersymmetry.