We study an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM)with additional right-handed singlet neutrino superfields. While such anextension incorporates a mechanism for the neutrino mass, it also opens up thepossibility of having the right-sneutrinos ($\widetilde{\nu}$) as the lightestsupersymmetric particle (LSP). In this work, we focus on the the viability ofrather small ($\lesssim 500$ GeV) higgsino mass parameter ($\mu$), an importantingredient for "naturalness", in the presence of such a LSP. For simplicity, weassume that the bino and wino mass parameters are much heavier, thus we onlyconsider (almost) pure and compressed higgsino-like states, with small$\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$ gaugino admixture. Considering only prompt decays of thehiggino-like states, especially the lightest chargino, we discuss theimportance of leptonic channels consisting of up to two leptons with largemissing transverse energy to probe this scenario at the Large Hadron Collider(LHC). Further, we emphasize on how the gaugino mass parameters, although veryheavy, affects the decay of the low-lying higgsino-like states, thussignificantly affecting the proposed signatures at LHC.