A Wheeler-Dewitt quantum constraint operator for four-dimensional,non-perturbative Lorentzian vacuum quantum gravity is defined in the continuum.The regulated Wheeler-DeWitt constraint operator is densely defined, does notrequire any renormalization and the final operator is anomaly-free and at leastsymmmetric. The technique introduced here can also be used to produce a coupleof other completely well-defined regulated operators including but notexhausting a) the Euclidean Wheeler-DeWitt operator, b)the generator of theWick rotation transform that maps solutions to the Euclidean Hamiltonianconstraint to solutions to the Lorentzian Hamiltonian constraint, c) lengthoperators, d) Hamiltonian operators of the matter sector and e) the generatorsof the asymptotic Poincar\'e group including the quantum ADM energy.