The Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Extreme Universe Space Observatory(EUSO) will be launched and attached to the Japanese module of theInternational Space Station (ISS). Its aim is to observe UV photon tracksproduced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays developing in the atmosphere andproducing extensive air showers. The key element of the instrument is a very wide-field, very fast,large-lense telescope that can detect extreme energy particles with energyabove $10^{19}$ eV. The Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS), comprising, amongothers, the Infrared Camera (IRCAM), which is the Spanish contribution, plays afundamental role in the understanding of the atmospheric conditions in theField of View (FoV) of the telescope. It is used to detect the temperature ofclouds and to obtain the cloud coverage and cloud top altitude during theobservation period of the JEM-EUSO main instrument. SENER is responsible forthe preliminary design of the Front End Electronics (FEE) of the InfraredCamera, based on an uncooled microbolometer, and the manufacturing andverification of the prototype model. This paper describes the flight designdrivers and key factors to achieve the target features, namely, detectorbiasing with electrical noise better than $100 \mu$V from $1$ Hz to $10$ MHz,temperature control of the microbolometer, from $10^{\circ}$C to $40^{\circ}$Cwith stability better than $10$ mK over $4.8$ hours, low noise high bandwidthamplifier adaptation of the microbolometer output to differential input beforeanalog to digital conversion, housekeeping generation, microbolometer control,and image accumulation for noise reduction.