We consider Higgs production in gluon fusion and in particular the predictionof the Higgs transverse momentum distribution. We discuss the ambiguitiesaffecting the matching procedure between fixed order matrix elements and theresummation to all orders of the terms enhanced by $\log(p_T^H/m_H)$ factors.Following a recent proposal (Grazzini et al., hep-ph/1306.4581), we argue thatthe gluon fusion process, computed considering two active quark flavors, is amultiscale problem from the point of view of the resummation of the collinearsingular terms. We perform an analysis at parton level of the collinearbehavior of the $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s)$ real emission amplitudes; relying onthe collinear singularities structure of the latter, we derive an upper limitto the range of transverse momenta where the collinear approximation is valid.This scale is then used as the value of the resummation scale in the analyticresummation framework or as the value of the $h$ parameter in the POWHEG-BOXcode. A variation of this scale can be used to generate an uncertainty bandassociated to the matching procedure. Finally, we provide a phenomenologicalanalysis in the Standard Model, in the Two Higgs Doublet Model and in theMinimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. In the two latter cases, we provide anansatz for the central value of the matching parameters not only for a StandardModel-like Higgs boson, but also for heavy scalars and in scenarios where thebottom quark may play the dominant role.