We describe and test a nonperturbatively improved single-plaquette latticeaction for 4-d SU(2) and SU(3) pure gauge theory, which suppresses largefluctuations of the plaquette, without requiring the naive continuum limit forsmooth fields. We tune the action parameters based on torelon masses inmoderate cubic physical volumes, and investigate the size of cut-off effects inother physical quantities, including torelon masses in asymmetric spatialvolumes, the static quark potential, and gradient flow observables. In 2-d O(N)models similarly constructed nearest-neighbor actions have led to a drasticreduction of cut-off effects, down to the permille level, in a wide variety ofphysical quantities. In the gauge theories, we find significant reduction oflattice artifacts, and for some observables, the coarsest lattice result isvery close to the continuum value. We estimate an improvement factor of 40compared to using the Wilson gauge action to achieve the same statisticalaccuracy and suppression of cut-off effects. The simplicity of the gauge actionmakes it amenable for dynamical fermion simulations.