We determine analytically the dependence of the approach to thermalequilibrium of strongly coupled plasmas on the breaking of scale invariance.The theories we consider are the holographic duals to Einstein gravity coupledto a scalar with an exponential potential. The coefficient in the exponent,$X$, is the parameter that controls the deviation from the conformallyinvariant case. For these models we obtain analytic solutions for the plasmaexpansion in the late-time limit, under the assumption of boost-invariance, andwe determine the scaling behaviour of the energy density, pressure, andtemperature as a function of time. We find that the temperature decays as afunction of proper time as $T\sim \tau^{-s/4}$ with $s$ determined in terms ofthe non-conformality parameter $X$ as $s=4(1-4X^2)/3$. This agrees with theresult of Janik and Peschanski, $s=4/3$, for the conformal plasmas andgeneralizes it to non-conformal plasmas with $X\neq 0$. We also consider morerealistic potentials where the exponential is supplemented by power-law terms.Even though in this case we cannot have exact solutions, we are able undercertain assumptions to determine the scaling of the energy, that receiveslogarithmic corrections.