We study stress tensor correlation functions in four-dimensional conformalfield theories with large $N$ and a sparse spectrum. Theories in this class areexpected to have local holographic duals, so effective field theory in anti-deSitter suggests that the stress tensor sector should exhibit universal,gravity-like behavior. At the linearized level, the hallmark of locality in theemergent geometry is that stress tensor three-point functions $\langleTTT\rangle$, normally specified by three constants, should approach a universalstructure controlled by a single parameter as the gap to higher spin operatorsis increased. We demonstrate this phenomenon by a direct CFT calculation.Stress tensor exchange, by itself, violates causality and unitarity unless thethree-point functions are carefully tuned, and the unique consistent choiceexactly matches the prediction of Einstein gravity. Under some assumptionsabout the other potential contributions, we conclude that this structure isuniversal, and in particular, that the anomaly coefficients satisfy $a\approxc$ as conjectured by Camanho et al. The argument is based on causality of afour-point function, with kinematics designed to probe bulk locality, andinvokes the chaos bound of Maldacena, Shenker, and Stanford.