Many four-dimensional supersymmetric compactifications of F-theory containgauge groups that cannot be spontaneously broken through geometricdeformations. These "non-Higgsable clusters" include realizations of $SU(3)$,$SU(2)$, and $SU(3) \times SU(2)$, but no $SU(n)$ gauge groups or factors with$n> 3$. We study possible realizations of the standard model in F-theory thatutilize non-Higgsable clusters containing $SU(3)$ factors and show that thereare three distinct possibilities. In one, fields with the non-abelian gaugecharges of the standard model matter fields are localized at a single locuswhere non-perturbative $SU(3)$ and $SU(2)$ seven-branes intersect; cancellationof gauge anomalies implies that the simplest four-dimensional chiral$SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)$ model that may arise in this context exhibitsstandard model families. We identify specific geometries that realizenon-Higgsable $SU(3)$ and $SU(3) \times SU(2)$ sectors. This kind of scenarioprovides a natural mechanism that could explain the existence of an unbrokenQCD sector, or more generally the appearance of light particles and symmetriesat low energy scales.