arXiv:hep-lat/9608061v1 13 Aug 1996 1 UTCCP-P-12 August 1996 Four-dimensional Simulation of the Hot Electroweak Phase Transition with the SU(2) Gauge-Higgs Model∗ Yasumichi Aokia aCenter for Computational Physics, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan We study the finite-temperature phase transition of the four-dimensional SU(2) gauge-Higgs model for inter- mediate values of the Higgs boson mass in the range 50<∼mH<∼100GeV on a lattice with the temporal lattice size Nt= 2. The order of the transition is systematically examined using finite size scaling methods. Behavior of the interface tension and the latent heat for an increasing Higgs boson mass is also investigated. 1. INTRODUCTION The possibility that the baryon number asym- metry of the Universe has been generated in the course of the electroweak phase transition has led to recent lattice investigations of the SU(2) gauge-Higgs model by several groups[1].Their studies have shown that a first-order phase tran- sition takes place at a finite temperature in this system for a light Higgs boson, which, however, becomes rapidly weak as the Higgs boson mass increases.A central question, relevant for the baryon number asymmetry problem, is whether the first-order transition survives with a sufficient strength for realistically large Higgs boson mass, experimentally boundedbyMH≥64GeV[2]. To answer this question many studies have been done within theperturbatively reduced three- dimensional model[1].On the other hand, only a few studies with the original four-dimensional model exist in this region of Higgs boson mass[1]. In this article, we report results of our simula- tion of the four-dimensional model, aiming at a systematic finite-size scaling analysis of the order of the transition for the Higgs boson mass in the range 50<∼mH<∼100GeV. 2. SIMULATION We employ the standard action given by S=∑ n {∑ µ>ν β 2 TrUn,µν+∑ µ κTr(Φ† nUn,µΦn+ˆµ) −ρ2 n−λ(ρ2 n−1)2},(1) ∗Talk given at Lattice 96, St. Louis, USA. with the complex 2×2 matrix Φ decomposed as Φn=ρnαn,ρn≥0;αn∈SU(2).All of our simulations are made for the temporal ex- tentNt= 2.We set the gauge couplingβ= 1/g2= 8, and make simulations for 6 values of the scalar self-couplingλas listed in Table 1. Also listed in the table are the zero-temperature Higgs boson massMHat the transition point of Nt= 2 lattice, estimated by interpolating avail- able data forMH[3–5] as a function ofλ.For each value ofλruns are made on anN3 s×2 lattice withNs= 8,12,16,24,32, and in addition with Ns= 40 forλ= 0.001,0.0017235,0.003(MH= 67,85,102GeV ). Gauge and scalar fields are up- dated with a combination of the heat bath[6] and overrelaxation[7] algorithms in the ratio reported to be the fastest in ref. [4].For each parameter point we make 105iterations of the combined up- dates. 3. FINITE-SIZE SCALING ANALYSIS Let us define the angular part of the spatial component of the hopping term in the action by Λs≡1 3N3 sNt ∑ n 3∑ j=1 [1 2 Tr(α† nUn,jαn+ˆj) ] .(2) In Fig. 1 we show the volume dependence of the maximum height of the susceptibility defined by χΛs≡V(〈Λ2 s〉 − 〈Λs〉2),(3) withV=N3 s, which is calculated by the stan- dard reweighting technique.For 47≤MH≤
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