An anti-SARS-CoV-2 non-neutralizing antibody with Fc-effector function defines a new NTD epitope and delays neuroinvasion and death in K18-hACE2 mice
Guillaume Beaudoin-Bussières,
Yaozong ChenIrfan Ullah,
Jérémie Prévost,
W.D. Tolbert,
Kelly Symmes,
Shilei Ding,
Mehdi Benlarbi,
Shang Gong,
Alexandra Tauzin,
Romain Gasser,
Debashree Chatterjee,
Dani Vézina,
Guillaume Goyette,
Jonathan Richard,
Fei Zhou,
Leonidas Stamatatos,
Andrew McGuire,
Hugues Charest,
Michel Roger,
Edwin Pozharski,
Priti Kumar,
Walther Mothes,
Pradeep Uchil,
M. Pazgier,
Andrés Finzi +24 authors
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