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Inhibitors of the Bub1 spindle assembly checkpoint kinase: Synthesis of BAY-320 and comparison with 2OH-BNPP1

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Summary Bub1 is a serine/threonine kinase proposed to function centrally in both mitotic chromosome alignment and the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), however its role remains controversial. Although it is well documented that Bub1 phosphorylation of Histone 2A at T120 (H2ApT120) recruits Sgo1/2 to kinetochores, the requirement of its kinase activity for chromosome alignment and the SAC is debated. As small-molecule inhibitors can be invaluable tools for investigation of kinase function, we decided to evaluate the relative potential of two agents (2OH-BNPPI and BAY-320) as Bub1 inhibitors. After confirming that both agents inhibit Bub1 in vitro , we developed a cell based-assay to specifically measure Bub1 inhibition in vivo . For this assay we overexpressed a fusion of Histone 2B and the Bub1 kinase region (Bub1C) tethering it in close proximity to H2A, which generated a strong ectopic H2ApT120 signal along chromosome arms. The ectopic signal generated from Bub1C activity was effectively inhibited by BAY-320, but not 2OH-BNPP1. In addition, only BAY-320 was able to inhibit endogenous Bub1-mediated Sgo1 localisation. Preliminary experiments using BAY-320 suggested a minor role for Bub1 kinase activity in chromosome alignment and the SAC, however results suggest that BAY-320 may exhibit off-target effects at the concentration required to demonstrate these outcomes. In conclusion, 2OH-BNPP1 may not be an effective Bub1 inhibitor in vivo , and while BAY-320 is able to inhibit Bub1 in vivo , the high concentrations required and potential for off-target effects highlight the ongoing need for improved Bub1 inhibitors.

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