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Copy number variants alter local and global mutational tolerance

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Abstract Copy number variants (CNVs), duplications and deletions of genomic content, contribute to evolutionary adaptation, but can also confer deleterious effects, and cause disease. Whereas the effects of amplifying individual genes or whole chromosomes (i.e., aneuploidy) have been studied extensively, much less is known about the genetic and functional effects of CNVs of differing sizes and structures. Here, we investigated Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) strains that have CNVs of variable structures but with multiple copies of the gene GAP1 . Although beneficial in glutamine-limited chemostats, CNVs result in decreased fitness compared with the euploid ancestor in rich media. We used transposon mutagenesis to investigate mutational tolerance and genetic interactions with CNVs. We find that CNVs confer novel mutational tolerance in amplified essential genes and novel genetic interactions. We validated a novel genetic interaction with BMH1 . CNV strains have increased mutational tolerance in genes related to translation, and reduced mutational tolerance in genes related to mitochondrial function. We performed RNAseq and found that transcriptional dosage compensation does not affect the majority of genes amplified by CNVs. Furthermore, we do not find that CNV strains exhibit previously described transcriptional signatures of aneuploidy. Instead, CNV strains exhibit downregulation of genes involved in cellular respiration, nucleoside biosynthetic processes, and small molecule metabolism, and upregulation of genes involved in transposition, nucleic acid metabolic processes, and siderophore transport. Our study reveals the extent to which local and global mutational tolerance is modified by CNVs with implications for genome evolution and CNV associated diseases, such as cancer.

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