LLMin a flash: Efficient Large Language Model Inference with Limited Memory Keivan Alizadeh∗, Iman Mirzadeh†, Dmitry Belenko‡, Karen Khatamifard, Minsik Cho, Carlo C Del Mundo, Mohammad Rastegari, Mehrdad Farajtabar§ Apple Abstract Large language models (LLMs) are central to modern natural language processing, delivering exceptional performance in various tasks. How- ever, their intensive computational and memory requirements present challenges, especially for devices with limited DRAM capacity. This paper tackles the challenge of efficiently run- ning LLMs that exceed the available DRAM capacity by storing the model parameters on flash memory but bringing them on demand to DRAM. Our method involves constructing an inference cost model that harmonizes with the flash memory behavior, guiding us to optimize in two critical areas: reducing the volume of data transferred from flash and reading data in larger, more contiguous chunks.Within this flash memory-informed framework, we introduce two principal techniques.First, “windowing” strategically reduces data transfer by reusing previously activated neurons, and second, “row-column bundling”, tailored to the sequential data access strengths of flash memory, increases the size of data chunks read from flash memory.These methods collectivelyenablerunningmodelsupto twice the size of the available DRAM, with a 4-5x and 20-25x increase in inference speed compared to naive loading approaches in CPU and GPU, respectively.Our integration of sparsity awareness, context-adaptive loading, and a hardware-oriented design paves the way for effective inference of LLMs on devices with limited memory. 1Introduction In recent years, large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 (Brown et al.,2020), OPT (Zhang et al.,2022b), and PaLM (Chowdhery et al.,2022), have demonstrated strong performance across a ∗Primary Author:kalizadehvahid@apple.com †Major Contribution:imirzadeh@apple.com ‡Major Contribution:d_belenko@apple.com §Senior Author:farajtabar@apple.com Naive Falcon 7B (CPU) OursNaive OPT 6.7B (CPU) OursNaive OPT6.7B (GPU) Ours 100 450 700 2250 3100 Inference Latency (ms) ComputeLoad From FlashMemory Management Figure 1: Inference latency of 1 token when half the memory of the model is available. wide range of natural language tasks. However, the unprecedented capabilities of these models come with substantial computational and memory re- quirements for inference. LLMs can contain hun- dreds of billions or even trillions of parameters, making it challenging to load and run them effi- ciently, especially on resource-constrained devices. Currently, the standard approach is to load the en- tire model into DRAM for inference (Rajbhandari et al.,2021;Aminabadi et al.,2022). However, this severely limits the maximum model size that can be run. For example, a 7 billion parameter model requires over 14GB of memory just to load the parameters in half-precision floating point format, exceeding the capabilities of most edge devices. To address this limitation, we propose to store the model parameters on flash memory, which is at least an order of magnitude larger than DRAM. Then, during inference, we directly and cleverly load the required parameters from the flash mem- ory, avoiding the need to fit the entire model in DRAM. Our methodology is built on the top of recent works that have shown LLMs exhibit a high degree of sparsity in the FeedForward Network (FFN) layers, with models like OPT (Zhang et al., 1 arXiv:2312.11514v1 [cs.CL] 12 Dec 2023
DRAM Flash Memory 100 GB 10 GB CPUGPU ~ 1 GB/s ~10 GB/s (a) Bandwidth in a unified memory architecture 48163264 Chunk Size (KB) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Random Read Throughput (MB/s) Upper Bound (Sequential Read) Threads 32 16 8 4 2 (b) Random read throughput of flash memory Figure 2:(a)Flash memory offers significantly higher capacity but suffers from much lower bandwidth compared to DRAM and CPU/GPU caches and registers.(b)The throughput for random reads in flash memory increases with the size of sequential chunks and the number of threads. 2022b), Falcon (Almazrouei et al.,2023), exhibit- ing more than 90% sparsity (Mirzadeh et al.,2023; Liu et al.,2023b). We exploit this sparsity to se- lectively load only parameters from flash memory that either have non-zero input or are predicted to have non-zero output. Specifically, we discuss a hardware-inspired cost model that includes flash memory, DRAM, and computing cores (CPU or GPU). Then, we introduce two complementary techniques to minimize data transfer and maximize flash memory throughput: •Windowing: We load parameters for only the past few tokens, reusing activations from re- cently computed tokens. This sliding window approach reduces the number of IO requests to load weights. •Row-column bundling:We store a concate- nated row and column of the up-projection and down-projection layers to read bigger contigu- ous chunks from flash memory. This increases throughput by reading larger chunks. To further minimize the number of weights to be transferred from flash memory to DRAM, we also employ methods to predict FFN sparsity and avoid loading zeroed-out parameters, akin to approaches documented in Deja Vu (Li and Lu,2023).To- gether, windowing and sparsity prediction allow us to load only2% of the FFN layer from flash for each inference query. We also propose a static memory preallocation to minimize transfers within DRAM and reduce inference latency.Our load from flash cost model captures the tradeoff between loading less data and reading bigger chunks. Op- timizing this cost model and selectively loading parameters on demand yields flash loading strate- gies that can run models 2x larger than the device’s DRAM capacity and speed up inference by 4-5x and 20-25x compared to naive implementation in CPU and GPU, respectively. 2Flash Memory & LLM Inference In this section, we explore the characteristics of memory storage systems (e.g., flash, DRAM), and their implications for large language model (LLM) inference. Our aim is to elucidate the challenges and hardware-specific considerations essential for algorithm design, particularly in optimizing infer- ence when working with flash memory. 2.1Bandwidth and Energy Constraints While a modern NAND flash memories offers high bandwidth and low latency, it falls short of the performance levels of DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory), especially in memory- constrained systems.Figure2aillustrates these differences. A naive inference implementation that relies on NAND flash memory might necessitate reloading the entire model for each forward pass. This process is not only time-consuming, often tak- ing seconds for even compressed models, but it also consumes more energy than transferring data from DRAM to the CPU or GPU’s internal memory. In scenarios where DRAM is abundant, the cost of loading data is somewhat mitigated, as the model can reside in DRAM. However, the initial loading of the model still incurs a penalty, particularly in sit- uations requiring rapid response times for the first token. Our approach, leveraging activation sparsity in LLMs, addresses these challenges by enabling selective reading of model weights, thereby reduc- ing both time and power costs. 2
2.2Read Throughput Flash memory systems perform optimally with large sequential reads. For instance, benchmarks on an Apple MacBook Pro M2 with 2TB flash demonstrate speeds exceeding 6GiB/s for a 1GiB linear read of an uncached file. However, this high bandwidth is not replicated for smaller, random reads due to the inherent multi-phase nature of these reads, encompassing the operating system, drivers, interrupt handling, and the flash controller, among others. Each phase introduces latency, dis- proportionately affecting smaller reads. To circumvent these limitations, we advocate two primary strategies, which can be employed jointly. The first involves reading larger chunks of data. Although throughput growth is not linear (larger chunks take longer to transfer), the latency for the initial byte becomes a smaller fraction of the total request time, resulting in more efficient data reading. This principle is depicted in Figure2b. Perhaps a counterintuitive yet interesting obser- vation is that in some scenarios, it will be faster to read more than needed (but in larger chunks) and then discard, than only reading necessary parts but in smaller chunks. The second strategy lever- ages parallelized reads, utilizing the inherent paral- lelism within storage stacks and flash controllers. Our results indicate that throughputs appropriate for sparse LLM inference are achievable on stan- dard hardware using 32KiB or larger random reads across multiple threads. Crucial to maximizing throughput is the way weights are stored, as a layout that enhances the average chunk length can significantly boost band- width. In some cases, it might be beneficial to read and subsequently discard excess data, rather than splitting the data into smaller, less efficient chunks. Motivated by the challenges described in this sec- tion, in section3, we propose methods to optimize data transfer volume and enhance read throughput to significantly enhance inference speeds. 3Load From Flash This section addresses the challenge of conducting inference on devices where the available compu- tational memory is substantially smaller than the size of the model. This necessitates storing the full model weights in flash memory. Our primary met- ric for evaluating various flash loading strategies is latency, dissected into three distinct components: the I/O cost of loading from flash, the overhead of managing memory with newly loaded data, and the compute cost for inference operations. Our proposed solutions for reducing latency un- der memory constraints are categorized into three strategic areas, each targeting a specific aspect of the latency: •Reducing Data Load: Aiming to decrease la- tency associated with flash I/O operations by loading less data1. •Optimizing Data Chunk Size: Enhancing flash throughput by increasing the size of data chunks loaded, thereby mitigating latency. •EfficientManagementofLoadedData: Streamlining the management of data once it is loaded into memory to minimize overhead. It is important to note that our focus is not on the compute aspect of the process, as it is orthogonal to the core concerns of our work. This delineation al- lows us to concentrate on optimizing flash memory interactions and memory management to achieve efficient inference on memory-constrained devices. Finally, we will elaborate on the implementation of these strategies in subsequent sections. 3.1Reducing Data Transfer Our methodology leverages the inherent sparsity found in Feed-Forward Network (FFN) models, as documented in preceding research. The OPT 6.7B model, for instance, exhibits a notable 97% spar- sity within its FFN layer.Similarly, the Falcon 7B model has been adapted through fine-tuning, which involves swapping their activation functions to ReLU, resulting in 95% sparsity while being al- most similar in accuracy (Mirzadeh et al.,2023). In light of this information, our approach involves the iterative transfer of only the essential, non-sparse data from flash memory to DRAM for processing during inference. It’s notable that, we employ the 7B models as a practical example to elucidate our approach, but our findings are adaptable and can be extrapolated to both larger and smaller scale models with ease. Selective Persistence Strategy.We opt to re- tain the embeddings and matrices within the at- tention mechanism of the transformer constantly 1It is notable that, bydatawe mean weights of the neural network.However, our developed techniques can be eas- ily generalized to other data types transferred and used for LLM inference, such as activations or KV cache, as suggested by (Sheng et al.,2023). 3
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