The excitation spectrum of rotating strings with masses at the ends Jochen Zahn Fakult¨at f¨ur Physik, Universit¨at Wien, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Wien, Austria. October 30, 2018 Abstract We compute the spectrum of excitations of the rotating Nambu– Goto string with masses at the ends. We find interesting quasi-massless modes in the limit of slow rotation and comment on the nontrivial relation between world-sheet and target space energy. 1Introduction The Nambu–Goto string is a well-established phenomenological model for a vortex line connecting two quarks, cf. [1] and [2] for reviews on the situation in mesons and on the lattice. In recent years, various aspects of this corre- spondence could be tested in lattice simulations, for example the corrections of orderγ−1L−3to the energy (whereLis the length of the string andγ its tension), or the spectrum of the excitations of the string, at orderL−1. For such studies, one usually considers the L¨uscher–Weisz string [3], i.e., a string with fixed endpoints, corresponding to a string stretched between two stationary D0 branes.1However, at least for light quarks, this does not seem to be a good approximation, as for reasonable values of the quark mass, the string tension, and the distance, one expects the quarks to rotate relativistically around each other.It is thus desirable to work with more realistic configurations. Here, we study the Nambu–Goto string with masses at the ends, and compute the spectrum of excitations of the rigid solution, at first order in perturbation theory (corresponding toO(L−1)). We find that, when moving away from the static limit, the degeneracy of the frequency of planar and 1The exact energy for (excitations of) this configuration was calculated by Arvis [4]. We refer to [5] for a recent critical reexamination of this result. 1 arXiv:1310.0253v3 [hep-th] 12 Dec 2013
scalar excitations (polarized in the plane of rotation or orthogonal to it) is lifted. The degeneracy is restored in the relativistic limit, in which the ends of the string move at the speed of light. Furthermore, we identify interesting quasi-massless modes in the limit of slow rotation, which are not present in the L¨uscher–Weisz string. The first treatment of the Nambu–Goto string with masses at the ends seems to have been the work of Chodos and Thorn [6]. They discussed the rigid rotating string solution, but did not study its excitations. Such a study was performed by Hadasz [7], but for the case in which also a Gauß–Bonnet term is present. This leads to too many boundary conditions.2In particular, the limit in which the coefficient of the Gauß–Bonnet term vanishes does not reduce to our case. A non-relativistic approximation to the rotating string was studied by Nesterenko [8]. We reproduce some of his results in the non-relativistic limit. However, our results differ in several aspects, in particular planar and scalar polarizations are not distinguished in [8]. The most recent study of the excitation spectrum of the rotating string with masses at the ends seems to have been the work of Baker and Steinke [9]. They use path integral techniques and obtain results for the spectrum of the excitations, which they study further in the limits of massless endpoints and one massless and one infinitely heavy endpoint.They use these to obtain Regge trajectories for the excited states. The main differences to our work are the following: We use perturbations that are normal to the background string, which simplifies the calculation considerably.We discuss the evo- lution of the spectrum over the whole range of parameters.In particular, we find interesting quasi-massless modes in the limit of a slowly rotating string. Finally, we have a different point of view regarding the significance of the spectrum, i.e., world-sheet energies, for the calculation of target space energies. The article is structured as follows:In the next section, we introduce the setup and recall some basic results about the rotating rigid string.In Section 3, we consider perturbations of the rigid string and in particular compute their spectrum.For the limiting cases of a static and a massless string, this can be done analytically, while in the intermediate regime we use numerical methods. In Section 4 we argue that the relation of target space and world-sheet energies is more complicated than assumed, for example, in [9]. In particular, at the order usually considered, one already has to take the interaction into account. We conclude with a summary and an outlook. 2Concretely, a complex potential is used, and four boundary conditions are imposed at each end. 2
2Setup The Nambu–Goto action with boundary terms accounting for masses is given by3 S=Sbulk+Sboundary=−γ ∫ Σ √−gd2x−m ∫ ∂Σ √−hdx.(1) Here Σ is the source space andgthe determinant of the induced metric, pulled back by the embeddingX: Σ→Rd: gµν=∂µXaηab∂νXb. Hereηis the Minkowski metric onRd, with signature (−,+, . . . ,+). Like- wise,his the induced metric pulled back to∂Σ. On Σ, we choose coordinates (τ, σ)∈R×[−S, S].We determine the boundary conditions corresponding to the action (1), by the requirement that the boundary terms vanish. This leads to ( γg1ν∂νXb√−g±m∂0 (∂0Xb √−g00 )) |σ=±S= 0.(2) Let us now consider the rigid rotating string solution, which we param- eterize as X=R(τ,cosτsinσ,sinτsinσ,0),(3) where 0 stands for the 0 ofRd−3. Here, we have to chooseS < π/2. One easily computes gµν=R2cos2σηµν,√−ggµν=ηµν, so that the boundary conditions are satisfied, provided that γR m= tanS cosS .(4) Two limits are of particular interest: Therelativistic limitγR/m→ ∞, i.e., S→π/2, in which the velocity of the ends of the strings approaches unity. And thestatic limitγR/m→0, while keepingL= 2γR2/mfixed, which corresponds to the string connecting two stationary D0 branes, separated by the distanceL. The energy of a string configuration is given by [10] E= ∫S −S δSbulk δ∂0X0(0, σ) dσ+δSboundary δ∂0X0(0,−S) +δSboundary δ∂0X0(0, S).(5) For the rotating string solution (3), we compute, using (4), the energy E= 2γRS+ 2γR1 tanS, 3For simplicity, we here assume equal masses at the two ends. 3
where the first term is due to the string and the second one due to the masses at the ends. By comparison with the expression for the static string, we conclude that theeffective lengthof the string is given by Leff= 2RS. Note that this is greater than the length of the string measured in the laboratory frame, which is given by 2RsinS. We note that the solution (3) breaks a couple of symmetries of the target Minkowski space. All spatial translations are broken, whereas time transla- tion survives if accompanied by a rotation in the 1−2 plane. Furthermore, all boosts are broken, as well as the rotations in the planes 1−2, 1−i, 2−i, fori≥3. Below, we identifyd−2 corresponding zero modes, consistently with the fact that locally we breakd−2 translational symmetries [11]. In the static limit, we will find quasi-massless modes for the remaining broken symmetries, with the exception of the boosts.4 3Perturbations Now we consider perturbations of the rotating string solution (3), henceforth denoted by¯X. That is, we write Xa= ¯Xa+ϕa, and expand the action inϕ. As we are perturbing around a classical solution, the component of first order inϕvanishes. The action at second order inϕ defines the free partS0of the action. Due to the diffeomorphism invariance of the action, the equations of motion derived fromS0are not hyperbolic. The physical degrees of freedom of the bulk part of the action are the normal perturbations [12], i.e., those fulfilling ∂µ¯Xaηabϕb= 0. The gauge condition we will adopt here is to set the longitudinal pertur- bations to 0.This was apparently first proposed in [13].Obviously, this gauge choice preserves the target space symmetries that are unbroken by the solution (3). In the following, we distinguish between thed−3scalarpolarizations, ϕa=fa sea,a≥3, which are orthogonal to the plane of rotation, and one planarpolarization, which may be written as ϕa=fpua,u= (tanσ,−sinτ /cosσ,cosτ /cosσ,0).(6) 4This is not surprising, as these can not be seen as infinitesimal for very late or early times. 4
Due to the boundary condition, we have a supplementary physical degree of freedom at the boundary, namely radial perturbations. We may write them as ϕa=frva,v= (0,cosτ,sinτ,0),(7) wherefrlives on the boundary, i.e., atσ=±S. This mode will enter the boundary conditions for the planar polarization. In terms of these modes, the free actionS0can be written as S0=γ 2 ∫ Σ (˙f2 p−f′ p 2−2 cos2σf2 p+ ˙f2 s−f′ s 2) d2x(8) +γ 2 1 tanS ∫ ∂Σ (˙f2 p+ ˙f2 r+ ˙f2 s+1 cos2σf2 p+ (1 + 2 tan2σ)f2 r +2 cosσ( ˙fpfr−fp˙fr) ) dx. 3.1Equations of motion From the first term of (8), we obtain the bulk equations of motion −¨fs+f′′ s= 0,−¨fp+f′′ p−2 cos2σfp= 0. With the usual ansatzfs/p(τ, σ) =e−ikτfs/p,k(σ), we have to solve the mode equations f′′ s,k=−k2fs,k,f′′ p,k−2 cos2σfp,k=−k2fp,k. As we deal with a problem that is invariant under the reflectionσ→ −σ, the solutions will be either even or odd.For the scalar polarization, the even/odd solutions are given by f+ s,k= coskσ,f− s,k= sinkσ.(9) The planar mode equation can be solved by choosing the coordinatex= sinσand the ansatzf(x) = (1−x2)1/4g(x), leading to (1−x2)g′′(x)−2xg′(x)−9 4(1−x2)−1g(x) + (k2−1 4)g(x) = 0, which is the defining equation for Legendre functions [14].It follows that the general even/odd solutions of the planar mode equation are given by5 f± p,k= cos1 2σ [√π 2sin((k−1 2)π 2) ( P3 2 k−1 2 (sinσ)±P3 2 k−1 2 (−sinσ) ) (10) + 1 √πcos((k−1 2)π 2) ( Q3 2 k−1 2 (sinσ)±Q3 2 k−1 2 (−sinσ) )] . 5Note thatQ3/2 1/2= 0 andP3/2 1/2is symmetric, so thatf− p,kas defined in (10) degenerates fork→1.An antisymmetric solution fork= 1 is given byf− p,1(σ) =σ cosσ+ sinσ. Similarly,f+ p,kas defined in (10) degenerates fork= 0. The symmetric solution fork= 0 may instead be written asf+ p,0(σ) =σtanσ+ 1. 5
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