EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH (CERN) CERN-PH-EP/2011-033 2018/10/29 CMS-SUS-10-004 Search for new physics with same-sign isolated dilepton events with jets and missing transverse energy at the LHC The CMS Collaboration∗ Abstract The results of searches for new physics in events with two same-sign isolated leptons, hadronic jets, and missing transverse energy in the final state are presented.The searches use an integrated luminosity of 35 pb−1of pp collision data at a centre-of- mass energy of 7 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The observed numbers of events agree with the standard model predictions, and no evidence for new physics is found. To facilitate the interpretation of our data in a broader range of new physics scenarios, information on our event selection, detector response, and efficiencies is provided. Submitted to the Journal of High Energy Physics ∗See Appendix A for the list of collaboration members arXiv:1104.3168v1 [hep-ex] 15 Apr 2011
1 1Introduction Events with same-sign isolated lepton pairs from hadron collisions are very rare in the standard model (SM) but appear very naturally in many new physics scenarios. In particular, they have been proposed as signatures of supersymmetry (SUSY) [1–3], universal extra dimensions [4], pair production ofT5/3(a fermionic partner of the top quark) [5], heavy Majorana neutrinos [6], and same-sign top-pair resonances as predicted in theories with warped extra dimensions [7]. In this paper we describe searches for new physics with same-sign isolated dileptons (ee, eµ, µµ, eτ,µτ, andττ), missing transverse energy (Emiss T), and hadronic jets. Our choice of signal regions is driven by two simple observations. First, astrophysical evidence for dark matter [8] suggests that we concentrate on final states withEmiss T. Second, observable new physics sig- nals with large cross sections are likely to be produced by strong interactions, and we thus expect significant hadronic activity in conjunction with the two same-sign leptons.Beyond these simple guiding principles, our searches are as independent of detailed features of new physics models as possible. The results are based on a data sample corresponding to an inte- grated luminosity of 35 pb−1collected in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2010. This paper is organized as follows. The CMS detector is briefly described in Section 2. The re- construction of leptons,Emiss T, and jets at CMS is summarized in Section 3. Section 4 describes our search regions. We perform separate searches based on leptonic and hadronic triggers in order to cover a wider region in the parameter space of new physics. Electron and muon trig- gers allow for searches that require less hadronic energy in the event, while hadronic triggers allow inclusion of lower transverse momentum (pT) electrons and muons, as well as hadronic τdecays in the final state.The dominant backgrounds for all three searches are estimated from data, as discussed in Section 5. Systematic uncertainties on the predicted number of sig- nal events and results of these searches are discussed in Sections 6 and 7. We conclude with a discussion on how to use our results to constrain a wide variety of new physics models in Section 8. 2The CMS Detector A right-handed coordinate system is employed by the CMS experiment, with the origin at the nominal interaction point, thex-axis pointing to the centre of the LHC, and they-axis pointing up (perpendicular to the LHC plane). The polar angleθis measured from the positivez-axis and the azimuthal angleφis measured in thexyplane. The pseudorapidity is defined asη= −ln[tan(θ 2)]. The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid, of 6 m internal diam- eter, 13 m in length, providing an axial field of 3.8 T. Within the field volume are several par- ticle detection systems which each feature a cylindrical geometry, covering the full azimuthal range from 0≤φ≤2π. Silicon pixel and strip tracking detectors provide measurements of charged particle trajectories and extend to a pseudorapidity of|η|=2.5. A homogeneous crys- tal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) and a sampling brass/scintilator hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) surround the tracking volume and provide energy measurements of electrons, pho- tons, and hadronic jets up to|η|=3.0. An iron-quartz fiber hadronic calorimeter, which is also part of the HCAL system, is located in the forward region defined by 3.0<|η|<5.0. Muons are measured in the pseudorapidity range of|η|<2.4, with detection planes made of three technologies: drift tubes, cathode strip chambers, and resistive plate chambers. These are in- strumented outside of the magnet coil within the steel return yoke. The CMS detector is nearly
23Reconstruction of Leptons, Missing Energy, and Jets hermetic, allowing for energy balance measurements in the plane transverse to the beam direc- tion. A two-tier trigger system is designed to select the most interesting pp collision events for use in physics analysis. A detailed description of the CMS detector can be found elsewhere [9]. 3Reconstruction of Leptons, Missing Energy, and Jets Muon candidates are required to be successfully reconstructed [10] using two algorithms, one in which tracks in the silicon detector are matched to consistent signals in the calorimeters and muon system, and another in which a simultaneous global fit is performed to hits in the silicon tracker and muon system. The track associated with the muon candidate is required to have a minimum number of hits in the silicon tracker, have a high-quality global fit including a min- imum number of hits in the muon detectors, and have calorimeter energy deposits consistent with originating from a minimum ionizing particle. Electron candidates are reconstructed [11] starting from a cluster of energy deposits in the ECAL, which is then matched to hits in the silicon tracker. A selection using electron identifica- tion variables based on shower shape and track-cluster matching is applied to the reconstructed candidates; the criteria are optimized in the context of the inclusive W→eνmeasurement [12] and are designed to maximally reject electron candidates from QCD multijet production while maintaining approximately 80% efficiency for electrons from the decay of W/Z bosons. Elec- tron candidates within∆R=√∆φ2+∆η2<0.1 of a muon are rejected to remove electron candidates due to muon bremsstrahlung and final-state radiation. Electron candidates origi- nating from photon conversions are suppressed by looking for a partner track and requiring no missing hits for the track fit in the inner layers of the tracking detectors. Hadronicτcandidates (τh) are identified [13] starting with a hadronic jet clustered from the particles reconstructed using the particle-flow global-event reconstruction algorithm [14]. The highest-pTcharged track within a cone of∆R<0.1 around the jet axis is required to have pT>5 GeV. A variable size cone of∆R<5 GeV/pTis then defined around this track, and the boostedτ-decay products are expected to be confined within this narrow cone. Onlyτcandi- dates with one or three charged hadrons in this cone are selected. The discrimination between hadronicτdecays and generic QCD jets is based on an ensemble of five neural networks, each of which has been trained to identify one of the five main hadronicτ-decay modes using the kinematics of the reconstructed charged and neutral pions [15]. All lepton candidates are required to have|η|<2.4, and be consistent with originating from the same interaction vertex. Charged leptons from the decay of W/Z bosons, as well as the new physics we are searching for, are expected to be isolated from other activity in the event. We calculate a relative measure of this isolation denoted asRel Iso. This quantity is defined as the ratio of the scalar sum of transverse track momenta and transverse calorimeter energy deposits within a cone of∆R<0.3 around the lepton candidate direction at the origin, to the transverse momentum of the candidate. The contribution from the candidate itself is excluded. In order to suppress the background due to dileptons originating from the same jet, we require that selected dileptons have a minimum invariant mass of 5 GeV. This helps to keep dileptons uncorrelated with respect to theirRel Isoobservables, which is a feature we exploit in the anal- ysis. We also remove events with a third lepton of opposite sign and same flavour as one of the two selected leptons if the invariant mass of the pair is between 76 and 106 GeV. This require- ment further reduces an already small background contribution from WZ and ZZ production. Jets andEmiss Tare reconstructed based on the particle-flow technique desribed in [14, 16]. For
3 jet clustering, we use the anti-kTalgorithm with the distance parameterR=0.5 [17]. Jets are required to pass standard quality requirements [18] to remove those consistent with calorimeter noise. Jet energies are corrected for residual nonuniformity and nonlinearity of the detector response derived using collision data [19].We require jets to have transverse energy above 30 GeV and to be within|η|<2.5. We define theHTobservable as the scalar sum of thepTof all such jets with∆R>0.4 to the nearest lepton passing all our requirements. 4Search Regions The searches discussed in this paper employ two different trigger strategies, electron and muon triggers in one case, andHTtriggers in the other.The leptonic triggers allow for lowerHT requirements, while theHTtriggers allow for lower leptonpT, as well as final states with hadronicτdecays. The motivation for covering the widest possible phase space in this search can be illustrated by an example of a SUSY cascade, shown in Fig. 1, naturally giving rise to jets,Emiss T, and same-sign leptons: (gluinos/squarks)→(charged gaugino)→(lightest super- symmetric particle (LSP) neutralino). The mass difference between the gluino/squarks and the charged gaugino, typically arbitrary, defines the amount of hadronic activity one may expect in the event. The mass difference between the gaugino and a neutralino influences the lepton pTspectrum. Depending on the nature of the chargino and neutralino, their mass difference can be either arbitrary (e.g., wino and bino) or typically small (e.g., higgsinos). Moreover, there are a number of ways to generate a large production asymmetry betweenτand e/µleptons, which motivates us to look specifically for events with aτ. Figure 1: An example of a process involving the production and decays of SUSY particles, which gives rise to two same-sign prompt leptons, jets, and missing transverse energy. In the following we describe the search regions explored by each trigger strategy. As a new- physics reference point, we use LM0, a point in the constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Stan- dard Model (CMSSM) [20] defined with the model parametersm0=200 GeV,m1/2=160 GeV, tanβ=10,µ>0, andA0=−400 GeV. LM0 is one of the common CMSSM reference points used in CMS across many analyses. As the abbreviation suggests, LM0 provides squarks and gluinos with relatively low masses, and thus has a large production cross section. It is beyond the exclusion reach of the searches performed by LEP and Tevatron, but it has recently been excluded by searches [21–23] with ATLAS and CMS concurrently with this one. Nonetheless, we continue to use LM0 as it provides a common model for which to compare our sensitivity with that of other analyses. Aside from the LM0 point, several SM simulation samples are used to both validate and complement various background estimation methods that are based on the data itself. These samples rely on either PYTHIA 6.4 [24] or MADGRAPH [25] for event
44Search Regions generation and GEANT4 [26] for simulation of the CMS detector.Samples used include tt, single-t,γ+jets, W+jets, Z+jets, WW, WZ, ZZ, and QCD multijet production. Next-to-leading- order (NLO) cross sections are used for all samples except for QCD multijet production. 4.1Searches using Lepton Triggers We start with a baseline selection inspired by our published tt→`+`−+X (`=e orµ) cross section measurement [27]. Events are collected using single and dilepton triggers. The detailed implementation of these triggers evolved throughout the 2010 data-collecting period as the LHC instantaneous lumi- nosity was increasing. Trigger efficiencies are measured from a pure lepton sample collected using Z→`+`−decays from data. The luminosity-averaged efficiency to trigger on events with two leptons with|η|<2.4 andpT>10 GeV, one of which also haspT>20 GeV, is very high. For example, the trigger efficiency for an LM0 event passing the baseline selection described below is estimated to be(99±1)%. One of the electrons and muons must havepT>20 GeV and the second one must havepT> 10 GeV. Both leptons must be isolated. The isolation requirement is based on theRel Isovari- able introduced earlier. We requireRel Iso<0.1 for leptons ofpT>20 GeV, and the isolation sum (i.e., the numerator of theRel Isoexpression) to be less than 2 GeV forpT<20 GeV. We require the presence of at least two reconstructed jets, implyingHT>60 GeV. Finally, we require the missing transverse energyEmiss T>30 GeV (ee andµµ) orEmiss T>20 GeV (eµ). This defines ourbaseline selection. Following the guiding principles discussed in the introduction, we define two search regions. The first has highEmiss T(Emiss T>80 GeV); the second has highHT(HT>200 GeV). These Emiss TandHTvalues were chosen to obtain an SM background expectation in simulation of 1/3 of an event in either of the two overlapping search regions.(GeV)TH 1002003004005006007008009001000 (GeV) miss TE 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 data, tight selection LM0 MC = 7 TeVsCMS, -1 = 35 pbintL(GeV)T H 1002003004005006007008009001000 (GeV) miss T E 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 data, loose selection= 7 TeVsCMS, -1 = 35 pbintL Figure 2:HTversusEmiss Tscatter plots for baseline region. (Left) Overlay of the three observed events with the expected signal distribution for LM0. The three observed events all scatter in the lower left corner of the plot. (Right) Scatter plot of the background in data when only one of the two leptons is required to be isolated.
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