arXiv:1610.06181v2 [hep-th] 25 Oct 2016 YITP-16-116 Scattering effect on entanglement propagation in RCFTs Tokiro Numasawa1,2 1Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 2Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93117, USA Abstract In this paper we discuss the scattering effect on entanglement propagation in RCFTs.In our setup, we consider the time evolution of excited states created by the insertion of many local operators. Our results show that because of the finiteness of quantum dimension, entanglement is not changed after the scattering in RCFTs. In this mean, entanglement is conserved after the scattering event in RCFTs, which reflects the integrability of the system.Our results are also consistent with the free quasiparticle picture after the global quenches.
Contents 1Introduction1 2Review of single operator case4 2.1Construction of states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2.2Replica method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 2.3Example: RCFT case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 3Excitations by multiple operators11 4Many operators excitations in RCFT12 4.1Example: 2nd R´enyi entropy in Ising CFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4.2n-th R´enyi entropies of general RCFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 4.2.12nd R´enyi entropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 4.2.2n-th R´enyi entropies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 4.3scattering effect on entanglement entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 5Discussion22 1Introduction AdS/CFT correspondence[1], which is one of the realizations of holographic principle[2, 3], relates string theory on AdSd+1spacetime toddimensional conformal field theory (CFTd). In the Einstein gravity regime, the number of fields in CFTdshould be very large (largeN) and the coupling between them should be strong. Related to these properties, recently the chaotic nature of holographic CFTs is the focus of attention[4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Out-of-time order correlation function (OTOC), or equally the square of the commutator of operators, is one of the useful quantities to diagnose the chaotic behavior of many body systems[9, 10]. In chaotic system, we can see the chaotic behavior such as Lyapnov behavior, scrambling and Ruelle resonance[11, 12].On the other hand, in integrable CFTs such as RCFT, the behavior is different and we cannot see such chaotic behavior[13, 14, 15].The non integrability of boundary theory seems to be important to create black holes in the bulk1[13, 16, 17]. These differences between integrable CFTs and chaotic CFTs can be seen by the time evolution of entanglement in excited states. For example, let us consider the time evolution of entanglement entropy after the global quench in 1 + 1dCFTs[18]. First we consider the entanglement entropy of the single interval. In this case, the results are universal and depend only on the central chargecof the CFT when timetand the length of intervalLis sufficiently large compared to the initial correlation lengthξ. At early time, entanglement entropy grows 1N=4 SYM is believed to be integrable at largeN, but this integrability is broken by the finiteN correction or the introduction of thermal background. We thank to P. Caputa for pointing out this. 1
A A 1 2 23 3 4 Figure 1: The schematic picture of scattering of EPR pairs. The scattering is represented the red star, which corresponds to the unitary matrixUon the Hilbelt space of particle 1 and 3. linearly and saturates at some time determined by the lengthL. This can be explained by the freely propagating quasiparticle model.On the other hand, the entanglement entropy of disjoint region is not universal[19]. Let us consider the case of two intervals. When the theory is integrable, we find that there is a regime that entanglement entropy decreases. In other words, we can see a dip in the time evolution of entanglement entropy. This phenomena can be explained by the model of freely propagating quasiparticles. On the other hand, in non-integrable theories, such quasiparticle dip becomes smaller. We can think of the size of the quasiparticle dip as a degree of scrambling, which is a quantum information theoretic signature of quantum chaos. In holographic CFTs, which are the maximally chaotic CFTs [6], the quasiparticle dip vanishes. We can also see such difference in the time evolution of entanglement entropy in local excited states. Consider the excited states that are created by the insertion of local operators on the ground states. If the theory is integrable, we can see the propagation of quasiparticles. At the late time, the change of entanglement entropy saturates and the value is given by the entanglement between the propagating quasiparticles[20, 21, 22, 23]. On the other hand, in the case of holographic CFTs, the excess of entanglement entropy does not saturate and grows logarithmically in time[24, 25, 26].This growth of entanglement is caused by the chaotic interaction of holographic CFTs and can be seen as a kind of scrambling. This difference of entanglement growth after the excitations depends on the property of interaction (i.e. integrable or chaotic) of the interaction of the systems. Then, how can we see the scattering effect on the propagation of entanglement? This is the motivation of this paper.For example, in the paper [27] they consider the effect of scattering between two EPR pairs on the propagation of entanglement (Figure 1). The initial state is given by the tensor product of two EPR pairs: |ψ〉=1 1 +|α|2(|00〉12+α|11〉12)⊗(|00〉34+α|11〉34),(1.1) where the index of vectors means the label of particles.The initial entanglement entropy 2
xA t OaOb lb la 1 2 324 Figure 2: The figure of the setup we consider in this paper.OaandObare primary operators. The index of operators means the sector of each primary operator. Att= 0, these operators are inserted apart from the entangling surface (in this case actually a point) and entangling quasiparticles are emitted.laandlbrepresent the length from entangling surface.We consider the case that A is given by the half of space{x∈R|x >0}. between particles 1,3 and 2,4 is given by the twice of entanglmenet entropy of EPR pairs 1/√1 +|α|2(|00〉12+α|11〉12). The scattering effect is given by the action of a unitary matrix U∈U(4) on the Hilbert space of particle 2 and 3.Then the state after the scattering is given by |ψf〉= (1⊗U⊗1)|ψi〉.(1.2) For generalU, entanglement entropy between particles 1,3 and 2,4 changes after the scat- tering event. In quantum field theory, the scattering effectUshould be determined by the Hamiltonian of the system. Then, we expect that the scattering effect on the entanglement reflects the property of system, especially the integrability or chaotic nature.In this pa- per, we consider the scattering of local excitations in 2d conformal field theory, especially in RCFT that describes integrable systems.In the case of RCFT, we can create the pair of quasi-particles by the action of local operatorOaon the ground stateOa|0〉, where the indexais label of the conformal family that the primary operator belongs to.In RCFT, as shown in the paper [21, 28, 29], entanglement between quasi-particles are given by logda wheredais so called quantum dimension. To see the interaction effect on entanglement, first we need to prepare two entangling quasi-particles. This is done by the insertion of two local operators: |ψi〉=OaOb|0〉(1.3) Then, if we can calculate the entanglement entropy after the scattering, we can see the scattering effect on entanglement (Figure.2). This can be done if we follow the time evolution of entanglement entropy of the statee−iHt|ψi〉=e−iHtOaOb|0〉.Therefore the problem reduces to the calculation of time evolution of entanglement entropy after the insertion of two local operators. We study these problems in this paper. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we briefly review the replica method with 3
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