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All-sky Search for Time-integrated Neutrino Emission from Astrophysical Sources with 7 yr of IceCube Data

N/A IceCube Collaboration,M. G. Aartsen
K. Abraham,M. Ackermann,J. Adams,J. A. Aguilar,M. Ahlers,M. Ahrens,D. Altmann,K. Andeen,T. Anderson,I. Ansseau,G. Anton,M. Archinger,C. Argüelles,J. Auffenberg,S. Axani,X. Bai,S. W. Barwick,V. Baum,R. Bay,J. J. Beatty,J. Becker Tjus,K. -H. Becker,S. BenZvi,D. Berley,E. Bernardini,A. Bernhard,D. Z. Besson,G. Binder,D. Bindig,M. Bissok,E. Blaufuss,S. Blot,C. Bohm,M. Börner,F. Bos,D. Bose,S. Böser,O. Botner,J. Braun,L. Brayeur,H. -P. Bretz,S. Bron,A. Burgman,T. Carver,M. Casier,E. Cheung,D. Chirkin,A. Christov,K. Clark,L. Classen,S. Coenders,G. H. Collin,J. M. Conrad,D. F. Cowen,R. Cross,M. Day,J. P. A. M. de André,C. De Clercq,E. del Pino Rosendo,H. Dembinski,S. De Ridder,P. Desiati,K. D. de Vries,G. de Wasseige,M. de With,T. DeYoung,J. C. Díaz-Vélez,V. di Lorenzo,H. Dujmovic,J. P. Dumm,M. Dunkman,B. Eberhardt,T. Ehrhardt,B. Eichmann,P. Eller,S. Euler,P. A. Evenson,S. Fahey,A. R. Fazely,J. Feintzeig,J. Felde,K. Filimonov,C. Finley,S. Flis,C. -C. Fösig,A. Franckowiak,E. Friedman,T. Fuchs,T. K. Gaisser,J. Gallagher,L. Gerhardt,K. Ghorbani,W. Giang,L. Gladstone,T. Glauch,T. Glüsenkamp,A. Goldschmidt,G. Golup,J. G. Gonzalez,D. Grant,Z. Griffith,C. Haack,A. Haj Ismail,A. Hallgren,F. Halzen,E. Hansen,T. Hansmann,K. Hanson,D. Hebecker,D. Heereman,K. Helbing,R. Hellauer,S. Hickford,J. Hignight,G. C. Hill,K. D. Hoffman,R. Hoffmann,K. Holzapfel,K. Hoshina,F. Huang,M. Huber,K. Hultqvist,S. In,A. Ishihara,E. Jacobi,G. S. Japaridze,M. Jeong,K. Jero,B. J. P. Jones,M. Jurkovic,A. Kappes,T. Karg,A. Karle,U. Katz,M. Kauer,A. Keivani,J. L. Kelley,A. Kheirandish,M. Kim,T. Kintscher,J. Kiryluk,T. Kittler,S. R. Klein,G. Kohnen,R. Koirala,H. Kolanoski,R. Konietz,L. Köpke,C. Kopper,S. Kopper,D. J. Koskinen,M. Kowalski,K. Krings,M. Kroll,G. Krückl,C. Krüger,J. Kunnen,S. Kunwar,N. Kurahashi,T. Kuwabara,M. Labare,J. L. Lanfranchi,M. J. Larson,F. Lauber,D. Lennarz,M. Lesiak-Bzdak,M. Leuermann,L. Lu,J. Lünemann,J. Madsen,G. Maggi,K. B. M. Mahn,S. Mancina,M. Mandelartz,R. Maruyama,K. Mase,R. Maunu,F. McNally,K. Meagher,M. Medici,M. Meier,A. Meli,T. Menne,G. Merino,T. Meures,S. Miarecki,L. Mohrmann,T. Montaruli,M. Moulai,R. Nahnhauer,U. Naumann,G. Neer,H. Niederhausen,S. C. Nowicki,D. R. Nygren,A. Obertacke Pollmann,A. Olivas,A. O'Murchadha,T. Palczewski,H. Pandya,D. V. Pankova,P. Peiffer,Ö. Penek,J. A. Pepper,C. Pérez de los Heros,D. Pieloth,E. Pinat,P. B. Price,G. T. Przybylski,M. Quinnan,C. Raab,L. Rädel,M. Rameez,K. Rawlins,R. Reimann,B. Relethford,M. Relich,E. Resconi,W. Rhode,M. Richman,B. Riedel,S. Robertson,M. Rongen,C. Rott,T. Ruhe,D. Ryckbosch,D. Rysewyk,L. Sabbatini,S. E. Sanchez Herrera,A. Sandrock,J. Sandroos,S. Sarkar,K. Satalecka,P. Schlunder,T. Schmidt,S. Schoenen,S. Schöneberg,L. Schumacher,D. Seckel,S. Seunarine,D. Soldin,M. Song,G. M. Spiczak,C. Spiering,T. Stanev,A. Stasik,J. Stettner,A. Steuer,T. Stezelberger,R. G. Stokstad,A. Stößl,R. Ström,N. L. Strotjohann,G. W. Sullivan,M. Sutherland,H. Taavola,I. Taboada,J. Tatar,F. Tenholt,S. Ter-Antonyan,A. Terliuk,G. Tešić,S. Tilav,P. A. Toale,M. N. Tobin,S. Toscano,D. Tosi,M. Tselengidou,A. Turcati,E. Unger,M. Usner,J. Vandenbroucke,N. van Eijndhoven,S. Vanheule,M. van Rossem,J. van Santen,J. Veenkamp,M. Vehring,M. Voge,E. Vogel,M. Vraeghe,C. Walck,A. Wallace,M. Wallraff,N. Wandkowsky,Ch. Weaver,M. J. Weiss,C. Wendt,S. Westerhoff,B. J. Whelan,S. Wickmann,K. Wiebe,C. H. Wiebusch,L. Wille,D. R. Williams,L. Wills,M. Wolf,T. R. Wood,E. Woolsey,K. Woschnagg,D. L. Xu,X. W. Xu,Y. Xu,J. P. Yanez,G. Yodh,S. Yoshida,M. Zoll,M. Aartsen,H.-P. Bretz,E. Rosendo,Hrvoje Dujmović,J. Dumm,Thomas Ehrhardt,P. Evenson,A. Fazely,T. Gaisser,Theo Glauch,J. Aguilar,Lew Classen,G. Collin,J. Conrad,D. Cowen,C. Clercq,C.-C. Fösig,Hans Dembinski,S. Ridder,Krijn Vries,G. Wasseige,M. With,J. Díaz–Vélez,V. Lorenzo,J. González,Spencer Axani,S. Barwick,J. Beatty,J. Tjus,K. Becker,Daniel Bertrand,Christian Ohm
+339 authors
,D. Besson
Jan 24, 2017
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Since the recent detection of an astrophysical flux of high energy neutrinos, the question of its origin has not yet fully been answered. Much of what is known about this flux comes from a small event sample of high neutrino purity, good energy resolution, but large angular uncertainties. In searches for point-like sources, on the other hand, the best performance is given by using large statistics and good angular reconstructions. Track-like muon events produced in neutrino interactions satisfy these requirements. We present here the results of searches for point-like sources with neutrinos using data acquired by the IceCube detector over seven years from 2008--2015. The discovery potential of the analysis in the northern sky is now significantly below $E_\nu^2d\phi/dE_\nu=10^{-12}\:\mathrm{TeV\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}}$, on average $38\%$ lower than the sensitivity of the previously published analysis of four years exposure. No significant clustering of neutrinos above background expectation was observed, and implications for prominent neutrino source candidates are discussed.

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