Malawi experienced its deadliest Vibrio cholerae (Vc) outbreak following devastating cyclones, with >58,000 cases and >1700 deaths reported between March 2022 and May 2023. Here, we use population genomics to investigate the attributes and origin of the Malawi 2022-2023 Vc outbreak isolates. Our results demonstrate the predominance of ST69 clone, also known as the seventh cholera pandemic El Tor (7PET) lineage, expressing O1 Ogawa (~ 80%) serotype followed by Inaba (~ 16%) and sporadic non-O1/non-7PET serogroups (~ 4%). Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that the Malawi outbreak strains correspond to a recent importation from Asia into Africa (sublineage AFR15). These isolates harboured known antimicrobial resistance and virulence elements, notably the ICE