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Isophorone-based crystallization-induced-emission sensors detect proteome aggregation in live cells and tissues with breast cancer

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Protein misfolding and aggregation can lead to various diseases. Recent studies have shed light on the aggregated protein in breast cancer pathology, which suggests that it is crucial to design chemical sensors that visualize protein aggregates in breast cancer, especially in clinical patient-derived samples. However, most reported sensors are constrained in cultured cell lines. In this work, we present the development of two isophorone-based crystallization-induced-emission fluorophores for detecting proteome aggregation in breast cancer cell line and tissues biopsied from diseased patients, designated as A1 and A2. These probes exhibited viscosity sensitivity and recovered their fluorescence strongly at crystalline state. Moreover, A1 and A2 exhibit selective binding capacity and strong fluorescence for various aggregated proteins. Utilizing these probes, we detect protein aggregation in stressed breast cancer cells, xenograft mouse model of human breast cancer and clinical patient-derived samples. Notably, the fluorescence intensity of both probes light up in tumor tissues. The synthesized isophorone-based crystallization-induced-emission fluorophores, A1 and A2, enable sensitive detection of protein aggregation in breast cancer cells and tissues. In the future, aggregated proteins are expected to become indicators for early diagnosis and clinical disease monitoring of breast cancer.

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