Abstract To improve access to advanced optical microscopy in educational and resource-limited settings we have developed the eduWOSM ( Edu cational W arwick O pen S ource Mic roscope), an open hardware platform for transmitted-light and epifluorescence imaging in up to 4 colours, including single molecule imaging. EduWOSMs are robust, monolithic, portable and ultra-stable instruments that are remotely computer-controllable and integrated with open-source software packages. Here we describe the core eduWOSM technology and benchmark its performance using 3 example projects, single molecule tracking of fluorescent tubulin heterodimers within gliding microtubules, 4-D (deconvolution) imaging/tracking of chromosome motions in dividing human cells, and automated single particle tracking in vitro and in live cells with classification into subdiffusive, diffusive and superdiffusive motion.