Prevention of Cardiovascular Events and Death with Pravastatin in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and a Broad Range of Initial Cholesterol Levels
A. Tonkin,
Philip AlywardDavid Colquhoun,
Paul Glasziou,
Philip Harris,
David Hunt,
Anthony Keech,
Stephen MacMahon,
P. Magnus,
David Newel,
Paul Nestel,
N. Sharpe,
Jonathan Shaw,
R. Simes,
P. Thompson,
Andrew Thompson,
Malcolm West,
Harvey White,
S. Simes,
Wendy Hague,
Sue Caleo,
Jane Hall,
Andrew Martin,
Sarah Mulray,
Philip Barter,
Lawrence Beilin,
Rory Collins,
John McNeil,
Paul Meier,
H. Willimott,
D Smithers,
Patricia Wallace,
Jannah Baker,
Matthew Hobbs,
David Sullivan,
Neil Anderson,
Graeme Hankey,
J. Watson,
M. Arulchelvam,
S. Chup,
John Daly,
Joseph Hanna,
A. Leach,
Matthew Lee,
J. Loughhead,
H. Lundie-Jenkin,
Jill Morrison,
S. Netting,
Ai‐Lan Nguyen,
H Pater,
Richard Philip,
Gian Pinna,
D. Rattos,
Susan Ryerson,
В Сажин,
R. Walsh,
A. Claque,
M.J. Mackie,
Julie Yallop,
Kristina Boss,
M. Shepard,
John Leach,
Milena Gandy,
Jeannie Joughin,
J. Seabrook,
Robert Abraham,
Jerilyn Allen,
Frank Bates,
I. Beinart,
Ernest Breed,
David Brown,
N. Bunyan,
Dennis Calvert,
Timothy Campbell,
Deanne Condon‐Paoloni,
Baqiyyah Conway,
Lucy Coupland,
Joseph Crowe,
N. Cunio,
Bruce Cuthbert,
Nigel Cuthbert,
Sean Darcy,
Henry Krum,
Brian Dwyer,
John England,
Charlotte Friend,
Greg Fulcher,
Shannon Grant,
Kevin Hellestrand,
Maina Kava,
Leonard Kritharides,
David McGill,
Hamish McKee,
Anna McLean,
M. Neaverson,
G. Nelson,
Michael O’Neill,
Chikusi Onuma,
Fiona O’Reilly,
Petra Meier,
J Watson,
M. Mackie,
R. Abraham,
Patricia Davidson,
J. England +103 authors
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