Reversion and non-reversion mechanisms of resistance to PARP inhibitor or platinum chemotherapy in BRCA1/2-mutant metastatic breast cancer
Adrienne Waks,
Ofir CohenBose Kochupurakkal,
Dewey Kim,
Connor Dunn,
Jorge Buendia,
Seth Wander,
Karla Helvie,
Maxwell Lloyd,
Lori Marini,
Melissa Hughes,
Samuel Freeman,
S. Ivy,
Joseph Geradts,
Steve Isakoff,
Patricia LoRusso,
Viktor Adalsteinsson,
Sara Tolaney,
Ursula Matulonis,
Ian Krop,
Alan D’Andrea,
Eric Winer,
Nancy Lin,
Geoffrey Shapiro +22 authors
Nikhil Wagle