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Cortical structure and subcortical volumes in conduct disorder: a coordinated analysis of 15 international cohorts from the ENIGMA-Antisocial Behavior Working Group

Yidian Gao,Marlene Staginnus
Sophie Townend,Celso Arango,Sahil Bajaj,Tobias Banaschewski,Edward Barker,Vivek Benegal,Kathryn Berluti,Anka Bernhard,Robert Blair,Charlotte Boateng,Arun Bokde,Daniel Brandeis,Jan Buitelaar,S. Burt,Elise Cardinale,Josefina Castro‐Fornieles,Hui Chen,Xianliang Chen,Sally Chester,Olivier Colins,Harriet Cornwell,Michael Craig,Ana Cubillo,Sylvane Desrivières,Dana Glenn,Andrea Dietrich,Daifeng Dong,Anouk Dykstra,Barbara Franke,Christine Freitag,Jeffrey Glennon,Karen González-Madruga,Cindy Hagan,Pieter Hoekstra,Bharath Holla,Luke Hyde,Karim Ibrahim,Nimrah Jabeen,Rebecca Jackson,Yali Jiang,Gregor Kohls,Kerstin Konrad,Alexandra Kypta-Vivanco,K.J.B. Lamers,Ren Ma,Abigail Marsh,Anne Martinelli,Jean‐Luc Martinot,Kalina Michalska,Qingsen Ming,Silvia Minosse,Colter Mitchell,Christopher Monk,Declan Murphy,Leah Mycue,Jilly Naaijen,Maaike Oosterling,Luca Passamonti,Ruth Pauli,María Alonso,Harriet Phillips,Montana Ploe,Nora Raschle,Ruth Roberts,Jack Rogers,Mireia Rosa-Justícia,Ilyas Sagar-Ouriaghli,Ulrike Schulze,Günter Schumann,Arjun Sethi,Areti Smaragdi,Edmund Sonuga‐Barke,Christina Stadler,Michael Stevens,Denis Sukhodolsky,Kate Sully,Xiaoqiang Sun,Nicola Toschi,Christopher Townsend,Odile Heuvel,Robert Vermeiren,Essi Viding,Xiaoping Wang,Heidi Westerman,Qiong Wu,Shuqiao Yao,Jibiao Zhang,Jiansong Zhou,Jiawei Zhou,Neda Jahanshad,Sophia Thomopoulos,Christopher Ching,Melody Kang,Paul Thompson,Eduard Klapwijk,Daniel Pine,Arielle Baskin–Sommers,Charlotte Cecil,Moji Aghajani,Esther Walton,Graeme Fairchild
+101 authors
,Stéphane Brito
Jul 16, 2024
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BackgroundConduct disorder is associated with the highest burden of any mental disorder in childhood, yet its neurobiology remains unclear. Inconsistent findings limit our understanding of the role of brain structure alterations in conduct disorder. This study aims to identify the most robust and replicable brain structural correlates of conduct disorder.MethodsThe ENIGMA-Antisocial Behavior Working Group performed a coordinated analysis of structural MRI data from 15 international cohorts. Eligibility criteria were a mean sample age of 18 years or less, with data available on sex, age, and diagnosis of conduct disorder, and at least ten participants with conduct disorder and ten typically developing participants. 3D T1-weighted MRI brain scans of all participants were pre-processed using ENIGMA-standardised protocols. We assessed group differences in cortical thickness, surface area, and subcortical volumes using general linear models, adjusting for age, sex, and total intracranial volume. Group-by-sex and group-by-age interactions, and DSM-subtype comparisons (childhood-onset vs adolescent-onset, and low vs high levels of callous-unemotional traits) were investigated. People with lived experience of conduct disorder were not involved in this study.FindingsWe collated individual participant data from 1185 young people with conduct disorder (339 [28·6%] female and 846 [71·4%] male) and 1253 typically developing young people (446 [35·6%] female and 807 [64·4%] male), with a mean age of 13·5 years (SD 3·0; range 7–21). Information on race and ethnicity was not available. Relative to typically developing young people, the conduct disorder group had lower surface area in 26 cortical regions and lower total surface area (Cohen's d 0·09–0·26). Cortical thickness differed in the caudal anterior cingulate cortex (d 0·16) and the banks of the superior temporal sulcus (d –0·13). The conduct disorder group also had smaller amygdala (d 0·13), nucleus accumbens (d 0·11), thalamus (d 0·14), and hippocampus (d 0·12) volumes. Most differences remained significant after adjusting for ADHD comorbidity or intelligence quotient. No group-by-sex or group-by-age interactions were detected. Few differences were found between DSM-defined conduct disorder subtypes. However, individuals with high callous-unemotional traits showed more widespread differences compared with controls than those with low callous-unemotional traits.InterpretationOur findings provide robust evidence of subtle yet widespread brain structural alterations in conduct disorder across subtypes and sexes, mostly in surface area. These findings provide further evidence that brain alterations might contribute to conduct disorder. Greater consideration of this under-recognised disorder is needed in research and clinical practice.FundingAcademy of Medical Sciences and Economic and Social Research Council.

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