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Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components

O. Grulke,Christopher Albert
Jorge Belloso,P. Aleynikov,K. Aleynikova,A. Alonso,G. Anda,T. Andreeva,M. Arvanitou,E. Ascasíbar,E. Aymerich,Konstantinos Avramidis,J.-P. Bähner,S. Baek,M. Balden,J. Baldzuhn,S. Ballinger,M. Banduch,S. Bannmann,A. Navarro,A. Molin,C. Beidler,M. Beurskens,C. Biedermann,G. Birkenmeier,T. Bluhm,Daniel Boeckenhoff,D. Boeyaert,D. Bold,M. Borchardt,D. Borodin,H.-S. Bosch,H. Bouvain,S. Bozhenkov,T. Bräuer,H. Braune,C. Brandt,D. Naujoks,K. Brunner,C. Büschel,R. Bussiahn,Attila Buzás,B. Buttenschoen,V. Bykov,I. Calvo,A. Cappa,F. Carovani,D. Carralero,A. Carls,B.B. Carvalho,D. Castaño-Bardawil,N. Chaudhary,Ioannis Chelis,C. Chen,D. Cipciar,J.W. Coenen,G. Conway,William Meehan,Y. Corre,P. Costello,K. Crombé,G. Cseh,B. Csillag,Helena Castillo,G. Czymek,H. Damm,Robert Davies,C. Day,S. Degenkolbe,Ronald Wolf,Wouter Dekeyser,A. Demby,P. Despontin,C. Dhard,A. Dinklage,F. D’Isa,T. Dittmar,M. Dreval,M. Drevlak,P. Drews,J. Droste,P. Dumortier,C. Dyhring,P. Eeten,E. Edlund,M. Endler,D.A. Ennis,F.J. Escoto,Matthew Espinosa,T. Estrada,D. Fehling,Lukas Feuerstein,J. Fellinger,Y. Feng,D.L.C. Fernando,Simon Fischer,E. Flom,O. Ford,T. Fornal,J. Frank,H. Frerichs,G. Fuchert,G. Gantenbein,Y. Gao,Kevin Garcia,I. Garcı́a-Cortés,J.M. García-Regaña,B. Geiger,J. Geiger,P. Geissler,Michael Gerard,G. Godino-Sedano,T. Gonda,A. González,A. Goriaev,D. Gradic,M. Grahl,H. Greuner,E. Grigore,M. Gruca,J. Arnaiz,V. Haak,Luc Ham,K. Hammond,B. Hamstra,Xiaofeng Han,S.K. Hansen,J. Harris,D. Hartmann,D. Hathiramani,S. Hegedűs,Stefan Heinrich,P. Helander,F. Henke,S. Henneberg,L. Henschke,M. Hirsch,U. Hoefel,K. Hoefler,Stefan Hoermann,K. Hollfeld,A. Holtz,D. Höschen,M. Houry,Jia Huang,M. Hubeny,K. Hunger,Dogyun Hwangbo,K. Ida,Y. Igitkhanov,S. Illy,Zisis Ioannidis,Małgorzata Jabłczyńska,S. Jabłoński,Bartłomiej Jabłoński,B. Jagielski,M. Jakubowski,John Jelonnek,F. Jenko,J. Jin,A. Johansson,G. Jouniaux,Shin Kajita,J. Kallmeyer,U. Kamionka,W. Kasparek,C. Kawan,Ye. Kazakov,N. Kenmochi,Winfried Kernbichler,A.K. Kharwandikar,M. Khokhlov,C. Killer,A. Kirschner,R. Kleiber,C. Klepper,T. Klinger,J. Knauer,A. Knieps,Makoto Kobayashi,G. Kocsis,Ya. Kolesnichenko,A. Könies,J. Kontula,P. Kornejew,S.A. Korteweg,J. Koschinsky,K. Kurita,Yu.V. Kovtun,A. Krämer-Flecken,Marco Krause,T. Kremeyer,L. Krier,D. Kriete,M. Krychowiak,I. ̧zek,M. Kubkowska,M. Kuczyński,David Kulla,A. Kumar,T. Kurki-Suonio,I. Kuzmych,S. Kwak,V. Lancelotti,A. Langenberg,H. Laqua,Martin Larsen,S. Lazerson,C. Lechte,B. Lee,Alexandra LeViness,M. Lewerentz,Y. Liang,Liang Liao,A. Litnovsky,C. Yuan,J. Loizu,R. Lopez-Cansino,L.D. Rodriguez,A. Lorenz,R. Lunsford,Yang Luo,V. Lutsenko,Nassim Maaziz,M. Machielsen,R. Mackenbach,Dariusz Makowski,E. Maragkoudakis,O. Marchuk,Matthias Markl,S. Marsen,J. Martínez-Fernández,N. Marushchenko,S. Masuzaki,M. Mayer,P. McNeely,Dana Roque,J. Meineke,S. Meitner,S. Mendes,A. Menzel-Barbara,B. Milligen,A. Mishchenko,V. Moiseenko,Anders Møller,Søren Møller,D. Moseev,G. Motojima,S. Mulas,Peter Mulholland,M. Nagel,D. Nagy,Yann Narbutt,P. Nelde,R. Neu,O. Neubauer,U. Neuner,S. Nielsen,C. Nührenberg,R. Ochoukov,K. Ogawa,J. Ongena,J. Oosterbeek,M. Otte,N. Pablant,N. Panadero,A. Pandey,G. Partesotti,E. Pasch,R. Pavlichenko,E. Pawelec,T. Pedersen,B. Peterson,F. Pisano,B. Plaum,G. Plunk,Linda Podavini,N.S. Polei,P. Pölöskei,Sergey Ponomarenko,P. Pons-Villalonga,M. Porkolab,J. Proll,M. Pueschel,A. Sitjes,V. Riccardo,K. Rahbarnia,M. Rasiński,J. Rasmussen,D. Réfy,F. Reimold,M. Richou,J. Riemann,Sigitas Rimkevičius,J. Villén,G. Roberg‐Clark,E. Rodríguez,V. Rohde,J. Romazanov,T. Romba,D. Rondeshagen,M. Rud,T. Ruess,Th. Rummel,A. Runov,C. Ruset,N. Rust,L. Ryć,T. Rzesnicki,F. Salzedas,E. Sánchez,L. Sánchez,G. Satheeswaran,J. Schacht,E. Scharff,J. Schilling,G. Schlisio,K. Schmid,J.C. Schmitt,O. Schmitz,M. Schneider,M. Schoor,T. Schröder,R. Schroeder,G. Sergienko,S. Sereda,B. Shanahan,G. Sias,S. Simko,L. Singh,Y.V. Siusko,M. ̧czka,Betsy Smith,D.R. Smith,H. Smith,M. Spolaore,A. Spring,T. Stange,A. Stechow,Anna Šušnjara,M. Stern,U. Stroth,Yasuhiro Suzuki,Colin Swee,Ł. Syrocki,T. Szabolics,T. Szepesi,R. Takacs,H. Takahashi,Naoyuki Tamura,Christos Tantos,J. Terry,Sebastian Thiede,H. Thienpondt,H. Thomsen,M. Thumm,T. Thun,S. Togo,T. Peitzmann,H. Mora,A. Tsikouras,Y. Turkin,S. Varoutis,M. Vecsei,J. Velasco,M. Verstraeten,E. Viezzer,J.S. Wagner,E. Wang,M. Wada,M. Wappl,F. Warmer,T. Wegner,Y. Wei,G. Weir,N. Wendler,U. Wenzel,A. White,F. Wilms,T. Windisch,J. Wołowski,V. Winters,R. Wolf,G. Wurden,P. Xanthopoulos,H.M. Xiang,S. Xu,Hiroyuki Yamada,Jie Yang,Rongxing Yi,M. Yokoyama,B. Zamorski,M. Zanini,M. Zarnstorff,D. Zhang,Song Zhou,Jiawu Zhu,J. Zimmermann,A. Zocco
+397 authors
,V.K. Zotta
Aug 15, 2024
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Abstract After a long device enhancement phase, scientific operation resumed in 2022. The main new device components are the water cooling of all plasma facing components and the new water-cooled high heat flux divertor units. Water cooling allowed for the first long-pulse operation campaign. A maximum discharge length of 8 min was achieved with a total heating energy of 1.3 GJ. Safe divertor operation was demonstrated in attached and detached mode. Stable detachment is readily achieved in some magnetic configurations but requires impurity seeding in configurations with small magnetic pitch angle within the edge islands. Progress was made in the characterization of transport mechanisms across edge magnetic islands: Measurement of the potential distribution and flow pattern reveals that the islands are associated with a strong poloidal drift, which leads to rapid convection of energy and particles from the last closed flux surface into the scrape-off layer. Using the upgraded plasma heating systems, advanced heating scenarios were developed, which provide improved energy confinement comparable to the scenario, in which the record triple product for stellarators was achieved in the previous operation campaign. However, a magnetic configuration-dependent critical heating power limit of the electron cyclotron resonance heating was observed. Exceeding the respective power limit leads to a degradation of the confinement.

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