The consensus coding sequence (CCDS) project: Identifying a common protein-coding gene set for the human and mouse genomes
Kim Pruitt,
Jennifer HarrowRachel Harte,
Craig Wallin,
Mark Diekhans,
Donna Maglott,
Steve Searle,
Catherine Farrell,
Jane Loveland,
Barbara Ruef,
Elizabeth Hart,
Marie‐Marthe Suner,
Melissa Landrum,
Bronwen Aken,
Sarah Ayling,
Robert Baertsch,
Julio Fernandez-Banet,
Joshua Cherry,
Val Curwen,
Michael DiCuccio,
M Kellis,
Jennifer Lee,
Chiao‐Feng Lin,
Michael Schuster,
Andrew Shkeda,
Clara Amid,
Garth Brown,
Oksana Dukhanina,
Adam Frankish,
Jennifer Hart,
B. Maidak,
Jonathan Mudge,
Michael Murphy,
Terence Murphy,
Jeena Rajan,
Bhanu Rajput,
Lillian Riddick,
Catherine Snow,
Charles Steward,
David Webb,
Janet Weber,
Marcelo Soares,
Wenyu Wu,
Ewan Birney,
David Haussler,
Tim Hubbard,
James Caress,
Richard Durbin +46 authors
David Lipman Tip Tip