Rewiring of Genetic Networks in Response to DNA Damage
Sourav Bandyopadhyay,
Monika MehtaDwight Kuo,
Min‐Kyung Sung,
Ryan Chuang,
Eric Jaehnig,
Bernd Bodenmiller,
Katherine Licon,
Wilbert Copeland,
Michael Shales,
Dorothea Fiedler,
Janusz Dutkowski,
Aude Guénolé,
Haico Attikum,
Kevan Shokat,
Richard Kolodner,
Won‐Ki Huh,
Ruedi Aebersold,
Michael‐Christopher Keogh,
Nevan Krogan,
Trey Ideker +19 authors
Michael Keogh Tip Tip