Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline on the Diagnosis and Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Among Children
Angela Lumba‐Brown,
Keith YeatesKelly Sarmiento,
Matthew Breiding,
Tamara Haegerich,
Gérard Gioia,
Michael Turner,
Edward Benzel,
Stacy Suskauer,
Christopher Giza,
Madeline Joseph,
Catherine Broomand,
Barbara Weissman,
Wayne Gordon,
David Wright,
Rosemarie Moser,
Karen McAvoy,
Linda Ewing‐Cobbs,
Ann-Christine Duhaime,
Margot Putukian,
Barbara Holshouser,
David Paulk,
Shari Wade,
Grant Iverson,
Mark Halstead,
Heather Keenan,
Meeryo Choe,
Cindy Christian,
Kevin Guskiewicz,
P Raksin,
Andrew Gregory,
Anne Mucha,
H. Taylor,
James Callahan,
John DeWitt,
Michael Collins,
Michael Kirkwood,
John Ragheb,
Richard Ellenbogen,
Theodore Spinks,
Théodore Ganiats,
Linda Sabelhaus,
Katrina Altenhofen,
Rosanne Hoffman,
Tom Getchius,
Gary Gronseth,
Zoe Donnell,
Robert O’Connor,
Shelly Timmons +47 authors
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